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Maya: *checks phone* Why can't I get into the internet?

Maya: Fucking Wizards.


Alex's mom: Your room is filthy! Do they let you get away with this at school?!

Alex: Actually, tiny elves come in at night and clean.

Alex's mom: ....

Alex: ....

Alex's mom: Are you fucking with me?


Maya and Alex: *chilling in the Slytherin Common room*

Giant squid that lives in the lake: *swims past the window*

Maya: Hey look the Kraken.


(During breakfast)

Madi: *reluctantly opens Howler*


All the muggleborns and half bloods: WILDCATS

Purebloods: wtf


Snape: If you have ten chocolate frogs and you give Malfoy two how many do you have?

Maya: Ten.

Snape: ...okay. If you have ten chocolate frogs and Malfoy forcibly takes two how many do you have?

Maya: *whips their head around and looks Malfoy directly in the eye* Ten and a dead body.

Malfoy: *sweats*


Madi in her sixth year: *was chosen for the Tri-wizard tournament*

Madi: *as she walks out into the arena she does the Hunger Games salute and whistle*

All the other Muggleborns: *do the hunger game salute and whistle*

Purebloods: WTf


Dumbledore: Mrs. Thwin-

Maya: *stares down Dumbledore because they've been Misgendered again.*

Dumbledore: *sighs* Maya, you need to stop beating up Mrs. Parkinson.

Maya: Well, I'm sorry Gandalf. She provoked me.


Maya and Alex: *jumping from Moving staircase to moving staircase* PARKOUR.

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