~Klub Ice~

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A/N- I have a special guest showing up in this. Enjoy~

Madi: *in a funny accent* Hello. I am Lola, the owner of Klub Ice. Today I'm here with... Rose,

Maya: *lichtenstein voice* H-hello.

Madi: Tiffany.

Alex: *in a german accent* Hyello.

Madi: and Trixie.

Jenna: *in a valley girl accent* Like, hello. My name is, like, Trixie.

Madi: I guess Rob is here, too.

Deadlox: *thatguyBarney impersonation* Hello, my name is... *really deep voice* Rob.

---------------------Into over--------------------------------------

Lola: Ok, guys. I am going to let you out, and then we are going to party.

Rose: U-um. Miss Lola? I kinda w-want to p-party. 

Lola: That's great!

*they party with the oonces*

Rob: I am going to get some bread.

Tiffany: No! Don't eat the bread it's full of Carbohydrates. It weigh you down.

Rob: That is true, but I'm already Fat.

Tiffany: Oh, then it's ok.


Trixie: Trixie is, like, stuck in de bookcase.

Rose: Trixie you can't even r-read!

Lola: Once you are in Klub Ice you cannot get out.

Rose: W-what do you mean we cannot get o-out of Klub Ice.

Lola: You have to stay here forever.

Trixie: Like, I don't want to stay in Klub Ice.

Lola: What are you going to do about it?


*later when they finally get out*

Rose: U-um. Wh-what do you mean leave?

Alex: Maya! Get out of there.

Rose *walks onto the balcony and falls off* .... WHAT THE EVERLIVING FUCK IS THIS PLACE!?!?!

Maya: Deadlox, you have to listen to me. Get out of there now.

Rob: What do you mean get out of Klub Ice???

Maya: -.-

Rob: *gets onto balcony* Guys run, the Warden is coming!

Maya: Jenna, listen to the sound of my voice, you need to escape from that.... area.

Trixie: But I like, love this place. *leaves* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PLACE!?!

Lola: Guys~ Come back to Klub Ice!! I need you guys! Show me- SHOW ME DAT BOOTIE!! *falls*

Maya: OK! Let's go.

Everyone else: Yeah.

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