50% Off Adaption part 1!

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A/N- Before we start, I would like to make an announcement. 

I am considering making a Adaption book and putting everything in there.

So yeah, should I or not. 

It could be like in the far future.

Like, after school starts, future.

Just a thought. :3

Ok, I'm writing.

50% Off adaption- I am calling it...... +7% Tax. 

So um yeah. 


+7% tax- Prolouge

Miles: I always thought swimming was like doin' somebody. You dive in, flop around a bit, than you either get "Boo-Ed" or somebody gives you a medal. 

Lucas: Is it weird I think he looks good in that swimsuit? Hehehe. I mean...REALLY good. It's totally not weird right?

[Lucas looks to the side]

Lucas: Ooh, new meat.

Miles: ...and then I found out, it isn't like that at all. And you can't have sex with your neighbor's above ground backyard pool.... What was I talking about?

[Lucas holds out his hand]

Lucas: Hey lemme help you get out of that Swimsui- POOL. The pool.

[Miles grabs his hand]

Lucas: *thinks* He touched me! 

Ella: Hey, your Miles right? Your as fast as they say! [Ella gets out of pool] My name is Ella. I sure hope we become best friends, but I don't hope we have a falling out over a race, leading us to have a tense, emotion heavy, dramatic, competitive, love-hate relationship later on.

Miles: Yeah, that'd be awful.

[Ella and Miles stare at each other]

~end of prouloge~

+7% Tax- Episode 1

Lucas: If he make me late again, I'm gonna give him such a tounge-lashing! There has got to be a better phrase for that.

[Lucas arrives at Mrs Pritchard]

Lucas: Good morning, Mrs Pritchard.

Mrs Pritchard: Good morning, Lucas. Here take this to your boyfriend. 

[She hands him a package]

Lucas: He's not my boyfriend!

Mrs Pritchard: Hehe, your not fooling anyone, dear.

[At Miles' house]

Lucas: *violently rings doorbell* Miles? It's me, Lucas.....Ok, I'm gonna break in!

[Lucas breaks in]

Lucas: Don't be naked! Are you in here?

[Miles' bathroom]

Miles: Don't come in.

Lucas: I'm coming in! Also, your gonna need a new back door!

[Lucas comes in, comes to the bathtub, and holds out his hand]

Lucas: I broke in again.

Miles: There was a spare key under the mat.

Lucas: There was just a swimsuit!

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