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Ok, so.....Yeah.

Today is the official end of the Llamas with hats adaption!

Stop crying because it is also the day I announce a new adaption!

I am doing an adaption of Octopimp's 50% Off.

In fact. I already have the casting for those chapters.

Here it is!!!!

Haru will be played by: My friend, Miles! (New character in this story~~)

Makoto will be played by: My other friend, Lucas! (Do you see what I am planning, Ella?)

Nagisa will be played by: Maya!

Rei is going to be played by: Undecided.

Rin is going to be played by: Also undecided.

Nitori is going to be played by: Alex!

Gou is going to be played by: Madi!

And finally

The teacher that is funny but unimportant to the plot is going to be played by: Autumn!

There are a couple side characters that I will add in. I do need help deciding on who will be Rei and who will be Rin. Help would be appreciated! Byeeeeeee!!!!!!! ~~~~~

But first, here is a little preview of what's to come.

Miles: I always though swimming was like doing ' somebody. You dive in, flop around a bit, then you either get 'Boo-ED' or somebody gives you a medal.

Lucas: Is it weird to think he looks good in that swimsuit? Hehehe. I mean, REALLY good. It's totally not weird, right?

[Lucas looks to the side] 

Lucas: Ooh, new meat.

Miles: ....and then I found out swimming isn't like that at all, and you can't have sex with your neighbors above ground backyard pool. What was I talking about?

[Lucas holds out his hand]

Lucas: Here lemme help you out of the Swimsui- POOL. The pool. 

[Miles grabs Lucas' hand]

Lucas: *mentally* He touched me! 


Miles: I'm just saying, is it illegal if I'm in my OWN pool?

Lucas: I don't know. It sounds illegal but-

Maya: AYYYYE! What's up sluts? Guess who just got out of prison?

Miles: Sluts?

Lucas: Prison?

Both: Maya?!?

Maya: Yeaaaahhhh.


[Flashback to last night]

Lucas: They're so fast! :o

Maya: (blank)'s pulling ahead, though. I think. Is (blank) the Jetplane firing out unicorns, or the gun with my mother's face?

Lucas: Maya, how much of that stuff did you have?

Maya: I don't remember man! I don't even know who I am!!

(Blank) : *thinks* Damn it! He's so fast! He must be later focused in. Right now, the only thing on Miles' mind right now is this race.

Miles: *mentally singing* Life is like a hurricane. Here in. Duckburg.


(Blank): Greetings. My name is--

Miles: By the darkest sun that casts its menacing rays on the furthest madness. We sense your intentions, (Blank).

(Blank): Is anyone else currently seeing this?

Miles: The jibbering of mad cultists whisper wicked words on the temperal winds.

(Blank): Anybody? Any of the two people right next to me?

Miles: They inform us that you are not to be trusted. Usurper, usurper.


~Fin :3~

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