Re-post if your against Bullying

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The girl you just called fat... she's overdosing on diet pills.
The girl you just called ugly... she spends hours putting on makeup, hoping people will like her.
The boy you just tripped... he is abused enough at home.
See that man with the ugly scars... he fought for his country.
That guy you just made fun of for crying... his mother is dying.
Post this if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you wont re-post this.

I found this on 2pJapan's home page and if this person is reading this, I want them to know that not all people are like that. Some people are really kind and considerate. These people you have to hold onto and never let go because once you lose something dear to you....

You can't get it back.

Sorry for the depressing chapter, guys. I just really HATE bullying. I was bullied briefly and I refuse to let it get me down today. Sometimes those terrible thoughts return to me, but I have my friends and (admittedly) my family to cheer me up. If you are bullied here is what I want you to know. 

You are amazing.

You are beautiful.

If anyone tells you different they are blind as fuck.

Never forget that.

Thank you for reading, guys.

I really appreciate every single read I get from you guys.


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