COSPLAY!!!! (part 3)

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*Hello! Welcome back to COSPLAY!!! The story where I mentally decide what to dress people up as and make weird scenarios to go with the costumes.*

*It is currently day two of Comic Con, lets see what happens*

Mary: *still in dog ears and tail*

Maya: You do realize you can change costumes... right? *dressed as a female Castiel from Supernatural*


Maya: Nah. 

Alex: *puppy dog eyes* Pls?

Maya: ........ FIne.

*so they switch cosplay* 

Alex: ^^

Maya: ...................

Madi: *walks in in Dean Cosplay* ...........I thought Maya was being Castiel?

Alex: We traded. ^^

Maya: ..........

Ella: *walks in wearing Vriska Cosplay, snorts* It actually fits her personality.

Maya: *dressed in Lucifer cosplay* Hehehe.............

Sollux: *dressed as Mituna* Not a word Maya.

Maya: Well I feel better about MY predicament! Hehe. That made my day. 

Jenna: *walks in dressed as Sam* Hey guys! Madi, did you get our panel set up? Genderbent Supernatural?

Madi: Yus.

Jenna: Great! Lets get going!

*timeskip till at the Con* 

Sollux: *left because he saw his friends but promised to stop by our panel*

Mary: *I think she went to the food court*

Everyone else: *having pie at the food court*

*timeskip till panel*

Random person: Um, genderbend of Dean? Is Destiel a thing.

Alex: *breaths in* 

Maya: *smacks hand over Alex's mouth, laughing*

Madi: ....... No comment.

Maya and Ella: *laughing their asses off*

Alex: *tilts head* Dean, what is a Destiel?

Madi: *smacks on back of head*

Sollux: *walks to the Microphone*

Maya: *mentally* We are so fucked *mentally*

Sollux: Ok. Lucifer, if I asked you, would you hug me?

Maya: *poker face* ..... Bitch no.

Sollux: *holds hand over heart* I am wounded.

Maya: Excuse me bitch, I am stuck in a goddamn cage, you think I would hug you without killing you?! This is Satan you're talking to!!! *sasses*

Random person: Lucifer and Adam, roleplay for us?

Maya: This has been Lucifer, now to Adam with the weather.

Adam Cosplayer: Its hell! Its hot as fuck! Now to Lucifer for Sports.


*to be continued in the next and last one*

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