UPDATING SPREE!!! (new book maybe?)

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*shameless self  advertising intensifies*

But yes, you read the chapter name correctly! 

I am (maybe, probably not) starting a (possible though) new book!

Its basically me coming up with random ideas for stories and giving them to you guys for you to use!

Stuff like plots, settings, (maybe) characters, AU's, and m- well not really.

If you want to use any of the things I post in that book, just message me and simply ask (be sure to include the chapter number(yes I'm that bad with chapters fight me(yes I'm going to number them shut up))) and I will most likely say yes because I really, really like helping people with writing. Please don't take all the credit for the thing being used because that's kind of rude and I will (definately) call you out on it. So just.... dont.

But yeah. I'm going to try to update all of my books (that are currently in progress haha) in a night, see I even have coffee. *holds up coffee I mixed with redbull (this is the third time i've done this lol)*

Whelp! See ya on the other side!!!!! 


(Ps: Thank you all so very much for being patient with me! I really don't deserve it guys. >.<)

((Pps: You guys can comment its ok I like criticism!))

(((Pps: lol nobody even reads these who am I kidding. :^D )))

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