~My friends as Hetalia Characters~

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Italy: Madi because she can do a pretty good impression of him.

Germany: Mary because she always tries to make me work. (not that it works)

Japan: Julia because she is probably the quietest of the rest of us.

Romano: Me because I have a problem with cussing. (I also have a fake moustache)

Prussia: Marley because she's awesome.

America: Chloe because 'Murica.

England: I don't have an Iggy friend.

France: Alex because she can be a pervert. 

China: Annie because she likes Kawaii things.

Russia: No Russia friends either.

Greece: Michele because she likes sleeping.

That's what I think. I think its pretty accurate. ^J^ 

Personally sometimes I feel like Canada during class.

Me: Notice me, I have my hand up.

Teacher: *doesn't notice*

Me: *mentally* You blind-ass motherfucker.

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