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Enid's POV

Two months later

We were in North Carolina. I knew this as we stood before the legendary Sand Dunes.

I could see what all the hype had been about. The dunes were mountainous.

The group had decided to take a day off and have a little fun.

I had opted to stay with the RV due to my bullet wound, which was still sore, but they had insisted I came.

The whole group looked at Rick, him being our leader, and he looked back at us.

"Alright," he said. "Let's go."

And with that, we started our decent up the first dune.

I reflected on the last couple months.

They had been awful at first, with me getting shot and Lydia's death. But somehow, we were able to recover, like we always have.

And always will.

When Carl had told me about him hallucinating Lydia often, I was concerned. Not surprised, but concerned.

I had asked him about it recently, and he told me it had gotten better. It hadn't stopped but had gotten better.

And as for my relationship with Carl, it was stronger than ever. I guess getting shot is a good way to bring people together.

Huh, go figure.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the swish of a knife. I turned to see Carl killing a walker.

I turned my gaze back to what was in front of me, trying not to get lost in thought again, when something came to me.

I frantically looked around for a patch of wet sand. I found one and ran over to it.

I sat down next to it and began writing in it.

When I was done, I looked at what I had written.


I hadn't written that in so long, but right now it felt appropriate. Because after everything that has happened, I was still here.

I was about to stand back up, but I ended up drawing a little heart below the phrase.

I knew why I did that when I saw Carl running up to me.

Once he reached me, he put his hand out.

I gladly took it and he pulled me to my feet.

Once I was up, he leaned in and kissed me, which made me laugh.

We stared at each other for a second before I asked, "Are you okay?"

Carl smiled. "You know me," he said. "I'm always okay."

I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows. "Carl," I said reproachfully.

"I'm okay," Carl said, cutting me off. "You're alive, Judith's alive, my dad's alive, my group's alive. I couldn't ask for anything else."

I considered asking about Lydia, but I eventually decided against it. I simply smiled.

"What about you?" Carl asked.

I smiled again. "I'm fine," I said.

Carl smiled and pulled me into a hug.

When we let go, we turned to look at the group.

They were very much ahead of us.

Carl looked at me, playfulness and challenge in his eyes.

"Race you," he said and took off.

I smiled and ran after him.

We were laughing as we ran to catch up with the group.

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