Chapter 17

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Carl's POV

I had been in the same spot for 3 hours. I was on the couch, staring out the window that overlooked the road, waiting for my dad and Enid to come back. They were taking too long. Where were they?

Michonne came up to me. "Carl," she said soothingly. "Sitting and staring isn't going to make them come back faster. It'll only make you more nervous.

I sighed and looked at her. "Why are they taking so long?" I demanded. "Especially my dad. He never takes long."

"They will be back," she said. "I know it."

Lydia came up behind her. "She's right," she said determinedly. "They'll be back."

I sighed and looked out the window one last time, only to see something else. My dad was becoming visible over the hill.

I laughed and pressed my face against the window and waited to see Enid.

But she didn't come.

A tear rolled down my face as my hands slid down the window.

I lost Enid.

I knew I shouldn't have let her go. Now she was gone this was my fault.

Michonne wrapped her arms around me as I cried.

I lost my best friend.

I suddenly saw my dad stop walking and turn around. I faintly heard him call out something that I couldn't decipher.

A moment later I saw a running figure become visible over the hill. As it got closer, I realized who it was.


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