Chapter 29

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Carl's POV

I guess I had fallen asleep, because I felt someone shaking me.

"Carl." I recognized my dad's voice. "Come on, wake up."

I opened my eye, rubbing it as I sat up.

I saw Eugene and stood up faster than lightning.

I just stared at him expectantly.

Eventually, Eugene said, "The surgery was a success."

I exhaled, not realizing I had been holding my breath.

The surgery was a success.

"So she'll be okay?" I asked. I needed him to confirm it.

After a moment, he said, "If she wakes up, she should be just fine."

I was about to smile, but something else caught my attention.

"If..." I said.

Eugene looked at me.

"If," I explained. "You said if she wakes up. She will, won't she?"

Eugene sighed then said, "I don't know. She's still in pretty bad shape."

I was at a loss for words. I couldn't go through this.

I couldn't lose Enid.

Eugene motioned towards the door that led into the bedroom.

"You might wanna go see her," he said. "It might be the last time you can."

Choosing to ignore the second part of what he said, I stumbled to the door.

I opened it and was surprised to see Glenn by her bedside, holding her hand.

He looked at me. "Her breaths..." he said, his voice barely audible. "They're too short...too shallow."

He was right. I could hear her take quick, sharp intakes of air. And to be honest, it scared the crap out of me.

"But I'll uh," Glenn said, standing up. "I'll give you some time alone with her."

He then exited the room, closing the door behind him.

I walked over to the chair Glenn was sitting in and sat down.

I grabbed Enid's hand and clasped it between the two of mine.

I put a smile on. I knew I needed to be strong.

For her.

"Hey," I said cheerfully, though a tear was running down my face.

I talked to her for a little while about the most random things before I was silent.

I slid the sheet that covered her to see her bullet wound.

When I saw it, I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

It was bruised badly. I could see the stitches that sewed it up.

I quickly pulled the sheet back up and opted to just look at her face.

After a few minutes, something happened that made me freak out.

She exhaled, but that wasn't what freaked me out.

It was when she didn't inhale again.

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