Chapter 9

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Enid's POV

Carl looked at me in surprise for a moment then nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"Ok, come on," I said and grabbed Carl's hand, pulling him to his feet.

We ran to where we kept our weapons. We both grabbed a 9mm. I grabbed a switchblade while Carl grabbed a machete.

As we were leaving the RV, Rick noticed us.

"Where are you two going?" he asked.

Carl turned to face his dad. "Enid and I are just going on a hunt. We'll be careful, I promise."

Rick nodded and stood up. He put up his index finger, indicating us to wait. He opened a bag that was brought back from the hospital. He pulled out a bow and a quiver full of arrows and handed it to us.

"You might need this," he said.

I took the bow and quiver. I slung the quiver onto my back.

"Thanks," I said.

Rick nodded to us and we exited the RV.

Carl looked over at me. "You know how to use one of those things?" he asked.

I nodded. "I got some practice at Alexandria."

Carl nodded, looking impressed. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's go."

We plunged into the forest. I immediately strung the bow while Carl held his machete at the ready, keeping one hand on his 9mm.

We moved in sync, putting down our feet down carefully and quietly as we walked.

After catching a few squirrels and a crow, we decided to head back.

We walked for a few minutes until we heard leaves rustling. The steps sounded too loud to be an animal. I drew an arrow while Carl got his gun out and we pointed at the noise.

Eventually a girl with sleek blond hair rose from a bush, pointing a gun at us.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Carl yelled. "Put your gun down!"

"How about you put your gun down?" the girl said in a voice like silk.

Carl chuckled. "Really? You have a gun while we, together, have two knives, two guns, and a bow. Stand down or you will lose."

The girl chuckled back. "Smart kid," she said and slowly lowered her gun.

Carl smirked slightly like he always does when he wins something. "Now who are you?" he asked.

The girl looked down then back at us. "Fine," she said. "I'm Lydia."

Author's note-Everyone that has read the comics know who Lydia is ;)

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