Chapter 30

513 17 15

Carl's POV

It was when she didn't inhale again.

For like five seconds.

Her breathing then settled into a normal routine. (Author's note: Got you!!! *points finger and laughs*)

I sighed in relief, happy that her breathing had become normal.

After a while, my dad came in and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You better get some sleep, Carl," he said softly. "If you don't, you will need this bed more than Enid does."

I was able to crack a smile. I obeyed my dad's commands, slowly getting up and letting go of Enid's hand.

I followed him out.

I saw Eugene talking to Tara and Gabe.
He saw me and walked over.

"Anything happen while you were in there?" he asked.

"Um," I stuttered. "Her breathing became more normal."

Eugene smiled, relief washing over his face. "That's a good sign," he said optimistically. "I mean, it doesn't confirm that she'll wake up, but it's a good sign."

I smiled a little and he went into the bedroom to check on Enid.

My dad sighed and turned to me. "Do you want to go get Lydia's body before you go to bed?"

I looked out the window that overlooked the forest.

"She might've killed Enid," I said, an edge of danger to my voice. "The walkers can have her."


As I laid awake in bed, I knew I was lying to myself.

Even if she might've killed Enid, I missed her.

I missed Lydia.

I sighed and rolled over, trying to get to sleep.

I couldn't even close my eyes knowing that Enid was in the other room, suffering from a gunshot.

I was actually about to fall asleep when I heard Judith crying.

I groaned and sat up, getting ready to go get her.

But as I was taking off the blanket, I heard a voice singing.

How very special are we
For just a moment to be
Part of life's eternal rhyme? 

There was no doubt that I heard it. It was as clear as day.

But the crying continued.

I saw my dad get out of his bed and head to Judith's crib, acting like he heard nothing.

Confused as ever, I laid back down, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to go to sleep.

I had one thought before I drifted off.

The voice had belonged to Lydia.

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