Chapter 21

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Enid's POV

I hated being mad at Carl. But he knew how I felt about Lydia and it just seemed like he was completely ignoring me.

But not talking to him wasn't going to help anything.

I went up to Daryl. "Have you seen Carl?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered in his gravely voice. "He's around back with Rick."

"Thanks," I said and headed out.

I saw Carl and Rick and approached them.

"Hey," I said, greeting both of them. They both nodded at me.

I then turned to Carl. "Can I talk to you?"

Carl nodded and Rick excused himself and headed to the front of the RV.

Once I was sure we were alone, I said, "Sorry I've been mad."

Carl waved it off. "Why have you been mad?"

"Same reason," I said simply, knowing he would know I meant.

"You still don't trust Lydia?" he asked exasperatedly.

"I still can't shake the weird I have about her. She gives me the wrong vibe."

Carl sighed. "What does she have to do to prove herself?"

"It's not her fault that I don't like her," I said.

Carl furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

I sighed and looked away. "She didn't do anything to make me not like her. She me the wrong vibe."

Carl scoffed. "So you can't even give a good reason why you don't like her?"

I opened my mouth to speak then closed it, knowing he was right.

Carl scoffed again. "Right," he said, then walked away.

"Carl!" I called.

Either he didn't hear me or pretended not to, for he kept on walking.

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