Chapter 13

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Carl's POV

I watched Enid and my dad until they disappeared into the trees. I sighed and walked back to the RV.

Before I got on, Daryl came out with Judith.

"Hey," he said. "Would you mind taking Judith? I'm going on a hunt."

I nodded and took Judith into my arms.

I got on the RV. I saw Lydia out of the corner of my eye. She was sitting on the couch staring out the window. She looked over at me as I sat next to her.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Judith. "Oh my goodness!" she laughed. "Is this your sister?"

I smiled. "Yeah," I said. "This is Judith."

"She is so cute!" she said giddily.

"You wanna hold her?" I asked.

She looked at me, excitement in her eyes. "If it's okay with you," she said.

I handed Judith over to Lydia.

"Hi Judith," she cooed. "I'm Lydia. How are you?"

Judith giggled. She even attempted to say her name. "Ly-da," she got out.

Lydia's mouth opened in surprise. "That was so good!" she said in a high-pitched voice.

I smiled at the sight. Lydia has had a complete personality change since I met her, and I liked it.

Lydia laughed as Judith fisted her hair in her hand and pulled it slightly.

"Man," she said to me. "All my life I wanted a baby sister. All I got was a big brother." She chuckled.

I smiled. "Yeah," I said simply.

After a little while, Lydia reluctantly handed Judith back to me and I fed her.

Carol then came up to us. "I can take Judith if you guys wanna go do something."

I nodded and handed her Judith.

Lydia looked over at me. "Wanna go in the woods for a bit?"

"Yeah," I said. "Okay."

We grabbed weapons and headed out. As I looked down the road that Enid and my dad travelled down, I kept replaying the conversation I had with my dad before he left.

"Keep her safe," I had whispered to him. "I know she can take care of herself, but still, keep her safe." My dad had given me a nod and that was when I walked over to Enid and kissed her.

I had kissed her.

And it was awesome.

Ugh, I gotta stop worrying about them. They'll be fine. They're Rick and Enid. Two of the toughest people I know.

My focus returned to Lydia as she called, wondering what the hold up was. I ran to catch up to her. We plunged into the forest, like I had done with Enid not long ago.

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