Chapter 10

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Carl's POV

I took a better look at Lydia. She looked to be our age with long sleek blond hair. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't attractive. And I mean attractive in, like, a rugged way. I mean, not as attractive as Enid, of course, but attractive nonetheless.

I slowly lowered my gun, motioning for Enid to do the same with her bow. She gave me a weird look but obeyed.

"I'm Carl," I said and motioned to my girlfriend. "This is Enid."

Lydia nodded to both of us. "So," she said. "What are you guys doing out here?"

I held up the crow we caught. "Just hunting," I said honestly.

She simply nodded.

I looked at Enid as she spoke up. "Are you alone? Or are you traveling with anyone?"

Lydia shook her head. "I'm a lone wolf," she said and softly laughed. "I've been a lone wolf for a while now. What about you two? You guys belong to a group?"

Enid opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off, feeling this weird trust toward Lydia. "Yeah, we do. We're staying in an RV back on the road."

Lydia nodded again and looked down.

In a rush of adrenaline, I said, "You can come back with us of you want."

Lydia looked up sharply. Enid have me a surprised look and grabbed my arm. She pulled me out of the earshot of Lydia.

"What are you doing?!" she half whispered and half yelled. "We don't know her! She could actually belong to a group that wants to kill us!"

I wanted to be rational about this. "I have a pretty good BS detector. If Lydia was lying, I would know."

"If her name is actually Lydia," she mumbled.

I tilted my head at her and gave her a reproachful look. "Come on Enid. Give her a chance."

Enid stared at me for a moment then sighed. "You're an idiot," she said.

I smirked at her then walked back over to Lydia. "Make your decision yet?" I asked her.

Lydia nodded. "Yeah," she said. "I'll come back with you."

I nodded then whispered to Enid, "If you're still worried, you can walk behind her and hold a gun to her in case she tries anything."

That seemed to make her feel a little better. Her shoulders relaxed a bit and she nodded.

I turned back to Lydia. "Okay," I said. "Let's go."

We walked in a line. I was in front, leading the way back to the RV. Lydia was in the middle following me. Enid was in the back, holding a gun at Lydia's head, which Lydia didn't seem to mind.

After a while I said over my shoulder, "We're almost there."

I saw Lydia nod and smile slightly.

I kept trying to ignore the fact that I got tiny butterflies in my stomach whenever I looked at her.

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