Chapter 28

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Carl's POV

My dad and I walked toward Eugene, our faces mirroring his.

Once we got to him, I stared at him gravely.

"Is she dead?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

Eugene lowered his gaze, his face tight.

He then looked back at us. "No," he said, his voice raspy.

I breathed a sigh of relief as my dad out his hand in my shoulder.

Eugene continued. "Good news is that there was an exit wound, which means the bullet went clean through. There are no fragments in her."

I knew there was something else. "But..." I prompted, wanting all of it.

Eugene sighed. "The bullet nicked one of her major arteries. I'm gonna have to get in there and stitch it up before she bleeds out."

I looked at my dad then back at Eugene. "And if you do that, will she be okay?"

"The fact that we have a lot of medical supplies from the hospital makes me more hopeful, but she's in pretty rough shape. I honestly don't know."

I sighed then said, "Do it. Do the surgery."

Eugene nodded and the three of us went inside.

My dad and I sat on the couch while Eugene went into the room they were operating on Enid in.

Michonne came and sat next to me. I eventually laid down, putting my head on her lap.

What if Enid doesn't make it through this? I thought to myself. What if she dies?

What will I do without her?

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