Chapter 1

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Carl's POV

"We're leaving?!" I asked my dad incredulously.

He gave me a small nod.

Where did he get an idea like this?? Why would we ever want to leave Alexandria. It's a safe place.....well, it's a safe place 99% of the time. But setting that aside, this place has become my home, a place I was willing to fight for. How could we ever think of leaving?!

"B-b-but," I stuttered, "what does everyone else think about this?"

"They have all agreed with me," my dad said.

"How could we leave Maggie?!" I asked.

"We left Hershal," my dad shot back calmly." "We left Lizzie and Myka. We left Denise. We left Sophia and Dale. At least Maggie got to be buried."

I knew he was right about that. "Why are we leaving?" I asked defeatedly.

"Negan is gonna come looking for us next week. We don't want to be here when he does," my dad replied.

I got angry. "What about everyone else?!" I yelled. "You're just gonna leave them to fend for themselves?!"

"Most of them are already planning on leaving." my dad replied calmly. "The ones who have chosen to stay have accepted their fate."

I sighed sadly, knowing my dad was right, as usual. I still didn't want to leave. This was my home.

"Alright," my dad said, grunting as he stood up. "I have perimeter watch, for the last time, and Carol is watching Judith, so you're free."

He started walking to the door.

Something came to me. "Dad!" I called.

He turned his head toward me, a questioning look in his eyes.

"What about Enid?" I asked. She wasn't technically part of the group, so I didn't know what he would think about her.

My dad smiled at me. "She can come if she wants to," he said warmly before walking out.

I sighed in relief as I put my hat on and raced out the door.

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