Chapter 20

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Lydia's POV

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me.

I slowly opened my eyes and the sun blinded me. I rubbed my eyes so I could see the person who was shaking me clearly.

It was one of the members in the group, Rosita, I think her name was.

"Good morning," she said kindly.

I gave her a tired smile.

"Do you always sleep in this late?" she said playfully.

"I slept in late?" I asked groggily.

"Yeah," she said. "It's almost midday."

Though I pretended to not know why I slept in so late, I knew exactly why. It had been almost three in the morning when I woke Carl up. We had gotten back in around four.

"Sorry," I groaned and struggled to get out of bed, the time Carl and I had spent together replaying in my head.

We almost kissed in the woods. My stomach had been twisted in knots the entire time. But he had stopped it. Because of Enid.


I could tell she didn't like me, though I didn't know why. She's not the kind of girl who would hate someone just because their boyfriend liked them. She's not that shallow.

I didn't even know if Carl liked me as anything more than a friend. I knew I liked him like that, but I would never intentionally try to do anything. Whether Enid liked me of not, I respected her too much to do that.

As Rosita and I walked to the front of the RV, I saw Carl and Enid, still asleep. I sighed and looked away.

"Here," Rosita said. "I'll grab us some breakfast and we can go outside."

I nodded and she walked over to where we kept the meat. She grabbed two small squirrels.

She handed one to me and grabbed two knives.

We walked out to the front of the RV and leaned against the hood. She handed a knife to me and we sliced our squirrels open. We then proceeded to rip the meat out with our hands and eat it.

"So," Rosita said, her mouth full. "Abraham said that he thought he heard two people sneaking around outside last night. Any idea who they could be?"

Though I liked Rosita, I wasn't ready to tell her about me and Carl sneaking out.

I simply shook my head. "I was asleep."

She gave me a subtle disbelieving look but didn't say anything.

"You liking the group so far?" Rosita asked.

I nodded. "You guys have been very welcoming. Thank you."

Rosita smiled.

Suddenly, a killer staggered from the forest onto the road.

I picked up the knife that I used on my breakfast. "I got it," I told Rosita.

I slowly walked up to the killer, grabbed its shoulder, and plunged my blade into its skull.

I finally managed to get the blade free and the killer fell to the ground.

I walked back over to Rosita and we finished our breakfast.

When we entered the RV, more people were slowly waking up.

This, I thought, is a group I could spend a while with.

Author's note: Sorry if this chapter wasn't really good. I just have to get used to writing from the POV of Lydia :)

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