Chapter 25

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Enid's POV

I slowly raised my hands in a surrender.

"Lydia," I said cautiously. "What are you doing?"

Lydia smirked. "You're making everyone miserable," she said. "Including Carl. And I'm here to take care of that."

I chose each word carefully. "Let's just think about this for a second."

"I don't need to think about it," she said and clicked the safety off.

Suddenly knowing what this is about, I said, "If you want Carl, why don't you just take him?" I chuckled. "He clearly seems to like you better anyways."

Lydia chuckled and smirked. "That may be true," she said. "But you're always there to stop him from doing anything about it. You're holding him back."

I exhaled deeply. "Do you really think Carl would want to be with the person that killed his girlfriend?"

Lydia tilted her head, considering it, but didn't lower the gun. "He'll be mad for a little while, but he'll get over it," she said in a matter-of-fact way.

Running out of options, I had to beg. "Lydia, please don't."

Lydia laughed, her eyes gleaming. "You're really that pathetic?" she asked. "Well, if you've got nothing else to say..." She put her finger on the trigger.

I closed my eyes, my last thought being, Told you so, Carl.

Carl's POV

After running for a while, I finally found Enid and Lydia.

A tear rolled down my face as I saw Lydia holding a gun to Enid's head.

Her safety was off and her finger was on the trigger.

Oh, God, I thought. She's serious.

I then looked at Enid. Her eyes were closed, as if she had accepted her fate.

I knew then what I had to do.

I started running at them, going faster than I ever had before.

Once I got to Lydia, I plunged my blade into her head.

But not before she could pull the trigger.

Once I removed my knife from her skull, I looked up at Enid. She was deathly pale.

She was clutching her stomach. Blood soaked her shirt. She looked up at me before falling to the ground, unconscious.

Enid had been shot.

Author's note: R.I.P Lydia :'(

And maybe R.I.P Enid

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