Chapter 3

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Enid's POV

I was packing up my stuff when Carl entered my room. I turned around and smiled at him.

"Do you know where Glenn is?" Carl asked, worry in his voice.

I shook my head. "I never know where he is. Why?"

"Well," Carl answered, "we're leaving soon and I need to find him before we have to go."

I listed the places he could be in my head, but there were few. "Did you check his room?" I asked.

Carl nodded. "He isn't there. But the room is empty of his stuff so he must have already packed."

An idea dawned on me. I grabbed my stuff and Carl's hand. "Come with me," I demanded and dragged him out of the room.

We stopped as we got close enough to Maggie's grave, where we could see Glenn, but he couldn't hear us. He was kneeling over the earth that covered Maggie. He wasn't talking, he just stared, the occasional tear rolling down his cheek.

"It should have been me," Carl muttered.

I looked at him, my eyes wide with shock. "Carl!" I scolded.

"It's true!" he shot back. "I was the one Negan should have killed. Glenn was gonna be a father! He lost two family members. Glenn will mourn over this for the rest of his life. No one cares about me."

I grabbed his forearm firmly, causing him to look at me. "Carl stop!" I said loudly. "You know that's not true! I care about you. So does your dad, and your group, and everyone at Alexandria. Don't you dare blame yourself for this. Negan is the monster."

Carl's eye grew sad and he sighed. "I know," he said and looked at Maggie's grave. "I'm really gonna miss her."

I put one arm around his back and the other on his chest and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I am, too," I said.

Carl wrapped his arm around my shoulders and leaned his head on mine. We stayed like that for a few moments before he pulled away.

"I should probably go get him," he said. "We gotta go."

I nodded at him and he started walking over to Glenn.

I watched as Carl kneeled down next to Glenn and said something to him that I couldn't hear. Glenn looked at him and nodded stiffly. Carl stood up and, a few moments later, Glenn did as well. I ran over and joined them.

As we walked to the RV, Carl grabbed my hand and squeezed it, which I returned. I know he was thinking the same thing I was. We're so lucky to still have each other.

As the three of us got to the RV, Rick nodded to us.

"You guys ready to go?" he asked.

I looked at Carl and Glenn and nodded. "Yeah," I said. "We're ready."

Once everyone was in the RV, Rick started to drive, pulling out of Alexandria, none of us planning on returning.

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