Chapter 27

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Carl's POV

My dad came and sat next to me. He out his hand on my back.

After a while, I said, "I don't know what know what I'm gonna do without her."

My dad sighed. "Yeah," he said. "I know."

After a while of silence, sudden rage boiled inside me.

I shot up and started pacing.

"When are they gonna be done?!" I asked loudly, not knowing if I was talking to my dad or myself.

"Carl," my dad said cautiously, standing up. "Eugene and Carol are doing everything they can."

"They're not doing enough!" I snapped.

He just looked at me and my anger was replaced with guilt.

I felt a tear slide down my face. "This is my fault," I said.

My dad's gaze softened. "Carl-"

I cut him off. "It is," I confirmed. "If I had just not been so stupid and listened to Enid, then Lydia would've never shot her, and-"

"Wait," my dad said. He put his hand up, his eyes wide. "Lydia shot Enid?"

I nodded and recounted the story. About my fight with Enid, how weird Lydia sounded when I talked to her about it, about how I killed her.

At the end of the story, my dad walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

I reciprocated the hug. I was exactly what I needed.

After a while, we heard the door open.

Eugene stepped out.

There was no smile on his face.

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