Chapter 57.

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"She really said that bro?" Tallz asked me.

"Yep" I said as we finished locking up the gym.

"So this is it? Like for real for real?"

"I think so.. "

"You don't seem pleased..."

"Why would I be?"

"Well you was the one moaning saying she had been giving you nothing but stress..."

"Yeah I know.."

"Bro I'm confused."

"Not as much as me. I dunno fam. Like I liked her I really did. Then I thought shit was fading and dying down. With all the drama she had going on sometimes it was just too much for me. Then when her mum died I felt bad that I hadn't been there for her. When she asked me to bring her passport I thought this was now the time we could talk. But really she wasn't interested. She said we can be cool but nothing more. It wasn't until then I really realised that I still like her... A lot."

"That's all mad fam. So what you going to do?"

"Accept it init."


"Yeah... If you saw her the day she said there was no going back you would understand why I say I have just got to accept it."

"This is all nuts bro. Like I thought this was going to be for life. You and Chan, me and Yas..."

"Have you even forgiven her yet?"

"Truly? Deep down? Nah. She walked out on me.. No forget me... She walked out on our daughter. That had me seeing her in a whole new light. However. Since she has been gone I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her. Also it's not easy. I can understand why Yasmine folded. I just would have preferred if she came to me instead."

"So what you going to do?"

"I'm letting her finish her exams then me and her will have to talk."

"I hear that bro. Well I wish you lot all the best. Just don't make no mistakes I did." I said as we spudded then went our separate ways.

As I drove home my phone rang. It was Nae.
It was then I remembered what Chanel said to me. I answered the phone.


"Hey babe. Long time! You don't know me no more nah?" She said.

It wasn't until then did I realise maybe she's got this thing twisted.

"Why you calling me babe?"

"I always call you babe?"

"Is this why you thought to fabricate shit that wasn't true."


"You... You was running your stupid mouth making out as if me and you was more than just cool."

"Nah... You ain't going to talk to me like this..."

"You right..  I ain't going to talk to you at all... Bye." I said and locked off.

I know it wasn't her fault but it still annoyed me that she made something out of nothing.

When I got home I was surprised my mum was still up.

"Hey baby." Mum greeted me

"Hey," I said dryly.

"Uh oh. Cmon, sit down and talk to me."

I sat down and told my mum everything about me and Chanel.

"Son... I get you are young. And you are right. You shouldn't have to be dealing with other people's problems. However if Chanel was the girl you wanted maybe it wouldn't have gone a miss to be more supportive. Because look now you have lost her and your singing your shoulda, woulda, coulda's. The only thing I can suggest to you now is to be a good friend at least. If that's an option she's given you then try to be that. Who knows what might happen." Mum said.

I listened to her and she was right. This was why I came to her.

The next day me and Tallz was chilling at his and I was feeding my god daughter when Yasmine came around.

"Hey guys. Glad you're both here. I left a book that I need for tomorrow but also. As you know it's Chans birthday in two days time. Corey and Miles are planning a surprise dinner for her and your both invited." She said.

"Corey has managed to get right where he always wanted to be hasn't he?" I said.

He was one reason why I kicked back and I don't care what anyone says she will always hold a torch for him. Especially as he was the reason she got out of jail. By handing himself in.

"If you must know... Corey is in the doghouse just like your stupid ass. Apparently that Amber girl is pregnant. And it may be his. Chanel is annoyed because he lied to her and she found out from Amber."

"But why would she be mad unless they were together?"

"She's mad because for the past few months he's the only one who has really been there for her. I've had my issues which has lead Vinny being a full time dad. Miles has been living his life with Monique. Since her sisters and brother have come they have had all of Lisa's attention. And don't get me started about you Rico! So the only person who has tried to be there for her has also been lying to her. It's about principle and her finding it hard to trust people as we all know." Yasmine said.

And just like that I was feeling bad. I had assumed she had people there for her but I guess I was wrong.

"Anyway I'm out. I'll text you guys the info. Make sure you lot are there." She said as she kissed Yanique then kissed Vinny then left.

I sat and thought about what Yasmine just said. At least Corey was also in the doghouse. Maybe just maybe I might be able to win her around again.

When I think about it we had been through so much in such a short space of time. It was only fair that I tried to work on what we had because despite what she said when we was together it was me and her against the world. Those were the days when nothing else mattered...

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