Chapter 16.

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I felt like my world had frozen.

Other than Mummy L and Corey... No one knew what happened over the summer. And to be honest only Corey knew the real story. So for Yasmine to know it meant he told her... If he told her I was going to kill him.

"Yasmine... This isn't something I want to talk about not right now..."

"I'm not judging you. I just don't want you to feel like you are alone. Because you are not. I'm here for you."

"Thanks but I don't need you to be. I don't need anyone to be. Why was you and him even talking?"

"He asked for you..."

"Who asked for my babes?" Rico asked making us both jump. He put his arm around me but I moved his arm.

"No one."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong! Could everyone just stop asking, can we come and do what we came to do and shop please!" They all looked at me. Now this all felt awkward. So I walked off.

"Sis..." I heard Tallz call to me. I turned to him. "Where you going?"

"To buy you guys present first. So don't follow me!" I said with a smile and walked off. This was a way for me to be alone and think as well as buy their gifts.

I was quite annoyed at Corey. We both said it was something we would keep to ourselves. I have wanted to tell Miles so badly but I know he would want to kill him. I have wanted to tell Yasmine so I have someone to talk to, and now I feel that she knows she's judging me. Despite her saying she's not judging me but still...

After about an hour we had all met back up and I was quite in the Christmas shopping spirit. The boys had gone off and me and Yas had gone to get food.

"I'm sorry."


"Earlier. Maybe I should have waited. I just couldn't know and not say anything to you."

"What exactly did he tell you?" I asked.

"He said..."

"HO HO HO" was all we heard then saw the guys coming towards us with double if not treble the amount of bags we had.

"Did you guys buy out the shops or?" I asked.

"Not even! If only! But I had a lot to get you." Rico said.


"Yeah. I know you ain't a fan of Christmas but this year you will have lots of presents to open." He said sounding very pleased with himself. I smiled. Rico was so sweet.

The boys joined us and we got something to eat. Then we left. We then drove to Yasmine's house and spent a few hours outside having a laugh. I had completely forgotten that Corey was staying there. That was until him and Monique came out of the front door.
Well Monique came out. He stayed at the door.

"Isn't this sweet. Double dating are we?" Monique mocked.

"Go away man. Haven't you got another best friends ex to sleep with?" Yasmine mocked. I laughed. Good one Yas!

"Whatever. Look Rico, I need to talk to you."

"I have nothing to say to you. Go back inside Monique." He said sounding very irritated.

"So because you are with her don't care for me?" She asked. He ignored her. "...Rico...RICO!!"

"Leave me alone Monique!!" He said sounding pissed off.

"Aye mind how your talking to my sister." Corey spoke up.

"Stay out of this Corey." I spoke up.

"Don't speak to my brother like that!" Monique said.

"Bitch... You are the one that came out... Why didn't you keep your slutty pregnant ass that nobody wants inside?"

"You keep talking shit. I know your little secret...mind I tell your boyfriend..." She smirked. I looked at Corey who looked shocked. He told her too?

"What she talking about?" Rico asked.

"Monique come inside." Corey told her.

"No! Who does she think she is calling me names?! She's more similar to me than you think Rico..." She taunted.

"Monique...Come. Inside." Corey said again

"Chanel..." Rico called me.

I could hear so many names being called. I could hear everything going on around me but I didn't feel like I was there...

"Well...your boyfriend is waiting... He wants to know..." She mocked.

"You don't know me...if you think the beating you got couple months ago was bad, that was nothing. That was just a taster. Keep testing me. Corey I suggest you warn your sister because she doesn't know me..."

"But he does...doesn't he..." She continued.

"MONIQUE!!" Corey bellowed.

"Babe, what is she going on about?" I heard Rico say but I was fixated on Monique. She was standing opposite me and the gate was open. I had a clear shot.

"Seeing as she won't tell you... I will..."

"Monique... I don't know what you know but let's just go back inside." Corey suggested. But she ignored him and continued.

"SHE...Your precious girlfriend was pregnant for my brother... But she aborted it."

I don't remember hearing anything after that but when I came around I was being handcuffed.

"...Anything you do say may be given in evidence." Was what I heard. I looked around. Everyone was looking at me in shock. I just put my head down. I don't even know what happened. I blacked out. I hadn't done that in ages. What I did know was whenever i did black out it was never good!

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