Chapter 54.

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"Pregnant?" I said making sure I heard right.

"Yeah.. Last week I took some tests and they came up positive. I was worried about how you would react so I asked Yasmine and Chanel for advice. Then today I actually went clinic and they took the test and I'm indeed pregnant." Monique said.

"I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes boo. You are going to be a father."

I looked at Monique and couldn't hold back the smile any longer.

"You have made me the happiest man on earth." I said.

And that was the truth. Most boys my age would be scared or run and not look back. Not me though. Yeah I was a bit worried but I'd get over that in due time.

"I was so scared you would have been mad. Or not ready..." I stopped her from saying anymore.

"Mad? Why? We don't use condoms and you don't take birth control so it was inevitable. I don't think there ever will be a right time so that whole not being ready jazz is played out. However, I'm not feeling how your sister and my sister knew before me!" I said.

She smiled.

"That's what Chanel said would be the only thing that you wouldn't be happy with."

I laughed. My sister knows me too well.

For the rest of the night it was just about me and Mon. Due to finding out about her being pregnant all alcohol or anything planned that would need alcohol to be involved got scrapped.

We sat and spoke about our future and how it's all about to change. We agreed to saving and we spoke on depending how big Mon gets depends on how long she can work before Maternity leave. I told her any doctors visits and any classes - basically anything to do with the baby; I was there.

We also discussed her moving in with me. I was going to do it properly. Let the council know she lives with me and she's with child so in due time we could get a bigger and better place. She was all for it.

That night was one of the best sexual experiences I had ever had. If I wasn't already in love with Monique I sure was now.

Once Monique was fast asleep I got up to go and smoke. It was as I was doing so I thought about my life. Everything I got going for me is okay for now but it's not where i want to be or what I want to be doing if I have to provide for myself and my family. It was then I started feeling a bit worried. Bar work was good pay and all but it wasn't going to help me. I more wanted to run a bar or go into the foster care business.

I needed to find a way to make money quick! For now and for the long haul.

It had been a while since I got out of the drug game but it did bring in good money. It was that alone why I was able to do these things like hotel and stuff for Monique and not have to worry about costs.

But after a while the money would run out and raising a baby ain't cheap. I messaged Corey telling him to link me by the weekend so I could talk to him.


"Thank you baby for these past two days. They have been amazing and you have made me feel like the most special person in the world."

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