Chapter 36.

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"I'm pregnant..." Yasmine said.

I looked at her like she had grown two extra heads.

"You're what?"

"I know you heard me."

"Yeah I need to be sure I heard right!"

"You heard right Vinny."

"You sure?"

"Yes! This is why I have been sick all the time. You all think it's because I'm forcing myself to be but its not. It's morning sickness. I didn't know myself until the nurse told me when I fainted and ended up in hospital..."

"Woah woah woah... That's over a month ago!"

"Yeah I know.. I was scared at how you would react. I had to think about my decisions and what I wanted to do..."

"You not keeping it?" I said before realising what I said.

I meant what I said but just not for it to come out like that. Yasmine looked hurt but pissed.

"Wow. Well for your information.. Yes I am!"

"You can't! Yasmine you are 17! With a track record of being bulimic!"

"What does that have to do with anything? Since the nurse told me I haven't done anything!"

"Look, I'm about to go uni. I don't even know if I'm staying in London..."

"Since when?"

"It's always been up in the air."

"No Vincent." Yasmine said letting me know she was pissed. She never calls me Vincent.

"Look...I'm not ready to be a dad. You ain't ready to be a mum." I told her.

It was true. I liked Yasmine I really did but was this the girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with? I had always said whoever I had kids with would be my wife. I'm not having baby mothers. No. Despite my track record I refused to have baby mothers.

"Well, at least I know what you think. I'm keeping this baby. If you don't want to be involved then don't. But don't bother staying. Get up and go."

"Yas; we have to talk about this..."

"What is there to talk about? You want me to get rid, I'm keeping. Are you going to change your mind?"

"Doubt it."

"Neither am I? So what the hell are we talking for?"

"Argh! You are so annoying! You're a little girl you know. I don't even know why I fucked with you!" I looked up to the ceiling thinking why don't I think before I say things.

I heard a door open and realised Yasmine was no longer in the living room. I went to look for her to see her at her front door with the door open.

"Goodbye Vincent..."

"Yas... I'm..."

"GOOD. BYE." She shouted.

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