Chapter 10.

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As I got in my car I heard my passenger side door open. It was my brother Andre.

"I know you wasn't trying to have me get bus when you drive bro?" He asked as he got in. I just laughed.

"So how you liking college? I know today will only be your second day but what do you think so far?" I asked my brother as we drove to college.

"It's ite. The teachers ain't as strict. I get to wear my own clothes. I can go out for lunch. And my class has some buff girls." He smiled. I just laughed. Typical.

"Okay well just because the teachers ain't strict don't mean you should run riot. You're still getting education for free. Make the most of it. Because when you have to pay for it, your gonna wish you did utilise it. And it's not all about the girls either. Books first, girls later."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can talk. Everyone knows I'm your brother and I'm getting the attention for that alone. So don't act like you're some saint! Because we know you ain't. What I can thank you for though is the older girls lurvvv me." He sang. We laughed.

As we pulled into college I saw Chanel.

"Aye, you know that girl in your class...her names Chanel." I said as I pointed to her.

"Yeah I know her. She looks rude. Wait...I swear you was talking to her yesterday?"

"Yeah, yeah I was. The problem is...she's your age..." I told him.

"So? They say girls mature faster than us. And she certainly don't act like she's my age. And if I was feeling a girl your age I wouldn't care."

"Who said I was feeling her?"

"Why else you gonna ask about a 16 year old?" My brother said then laughed.

"Man get out my car." I said and pushed him in his head. I parked up and met up with the guys. I had decided I wanted Chanel's number. She could be someone just to talk to for now. Besides she seemed somewhat interesting. I like the way she carried herself and she didn't seem like the Monique type. Thank goodness.

The day went quick and I never went out at lunch because I wanted to get some work done. Our teachers were piling the work on us quick and fast and whilst everything was still fresh in my head I decided to get it done.

I left the library after five and was surprised that people was still hanging around college. I knew my guys were waiting for me because they wanted to go eat. But there was still quite a few different groups hanging around. I walked over to my guys to see them chilling and talking with some girls. I smiled when I noticed Chanel was one of them. She was there with Yasmine.

"Nerd boy finally got out of the library." Joker joked.

"Yeah, keep talking shit. When the works due and you are behind it will be me you will be coming to as always." I mocked because it was indeed the truth.

"Whatever man. We are having a debate. Can a girl propose to a guy. I say that shit should be what's popping nowadays" Joker said. Because of how he spoke everything sounded funny. So I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not.

"No man. That's not right." Chanel said.

"Why not?" Tallz asked.

"There's just things in life that women should do and men should do. It's like you having a flat tyre and me coming to fix it for you."

"Nah nah nah I can fix my own damn tyre" Tallz spoke out.

"'s what you should do. Just like you should propose." She said.

"That was a dumb comparison." Sean said.

"Whatever Kanye." Chanel said making everyone laugh. The reason why it's so funny is because he does look like Kanye. But it's not something anyone other than us have ever said to him.

"So that's what it is? You on the phone telling her things already?" Sean said to me. I was so confused.

"On the phone? We don't even have each other's number." Chanel spoke up.

"Not yet anyway..." I said looking at her. She smiled.

"Awwww well ain't this cute." We heard an annoying voice say. I didn't even have to turn around I saw Chanel start preparing for round two and knew it was Monique.

"Why don't you go away? Or you wanna get beat up by a younger again?" Joker said making the crowd laugh.

"Whatever. Does my brother know this is what you are up to?"

"Bitch...fuck you...and fuck your brother. Make sure you pass on the message." Chanel said.

"Oh I will..." Monique said and walked off.

How does Chanel know Moniques brother? And if she knows him...why would she want to pass on such a message? I don't know him personally but I have heard he's a guy not to get on the wrong side of.

"So...we are going to eat. You guys wanna come?" Tallz asked but I saw how he was looking at Yasmine. I also saw how she was looking at him. I made a mental note to ask him about that later.

"I don't mind I ain't got nothing better else to down Chan?" Yasmine asked.

"Okay." She said.

"Cool...Yas come ride with me." Tallz said and walked off. Everyone except Yasmine looked shocked. Even Chanel.

"Well...Miss Adidas you may as well come in my car." I said and she smiled. The other guys had their own car so we would all meet there.

"Two days in a row I'm getting in your car...are you trying to make it a habit?" She asked.

"Maybe...maybe I am..."

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