Chapter 31.

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The past few months had been crazy! I had been working my ass off to make sure my num would have enough money after if I wasn't going to be here.

I know she told me to stay clean but this was the only way. I spent over a month out in country and reckon that this was enough to keep my mum going if and when she decides to stop working.

I know my mum saves so she's got money. How else was she able to buy the new house we lived in. I just needed her to be extra cushty.

I pulled up to my solicitors office hoping he would have some good news for me. Hoping that all this work I had been putting in would have been for nothing.

"Yo Scot! Wassup? What you saying to me man?" I asked.

"Well I have spoken with Chanel who is confused but willing to take my help. She does have a good case. They haven't dealt with her properly and with that I can definitely get her back home on remand. The incident however, despite her mental condition they may still want to give her a sentence." He said.

I banged my fist on the table.


"Look... On the plus side. If you do decide to hand yourself in; I have a favour that I can call in. So you could walk free." He said.



"But what if... She doesn't walk free?"

"Well I'm afraid I only have one get out of jail free card."

"Use it on her."

"Woah! Think about it... If she goes to jail, she will be out before the end of the year. THAT I can guarantee. You... You will be given life!"

"I can't be free and she's in jail! So... If you can't pull all these tricks out your hat... Then use your get out of jail free card." I told him.

"You really love her init?"

"I owe her. A lot of things wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me... So this is the least I could do." I said before I left.

I went to my house. My mum had been off work on annual leave.

"Mum! Come to my room for a minute." I shouted.

Things have been good since we left the Kites. Even dad has tried to make things right but she declines. My mum hasn't been happier.

"What's wrong son?"

"I need to talk to you, come sit down."

"Oh lord. If this is about your father..."

"No, mum. It's not." I told her and took the two duffle bags from under my bed.

"What's that?"

"Mum, I know you asked me to stay clean. And I have. This... This was just for a rainy day."

"A rainy day? Corey what are you..."

"Mum let me finish. This is for when you decide to retire. It's not to be touched until then. I won't be okay knowing you are struggling. The reason I did this is because I may not be here for you when you need me..."

#6 :: Nothing Else MattersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ