Chapter 5.

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"You really put my sister on blast. Ha. She's going to hate you forever now. Serves her right though. She's mad that Rico has left her but she puts herself in these stupid situations and thinks because she's pretty she will get away with it." Yasmine said as we walked away from the crowd.

"What is your sisters problem anyway? She was so loud and she thought it was okay to just come at me with that school girl talk. She don't know this school girl will knock her out." I said.

"She is mad. She was with Rico she decided to go Malia over the holidays. Rico left her because of it. She then decided to turn into an international slut. It got recorded. Now it's going around. The only thing is people are scared of her because as well as her being pretty and having a banging body, my sister can fight. She's a wild animal. Girls are scared of her. And she will hit guys and more time if she hits them right she won't have to worry about them fighting her because she knocks them out. Plus she has a brother so she sets him on them too."

"Oh I thought it was just you and her"

"Nah. She has a brother. They have the same dad not the same mum though. Rumour has it our mum was the side chick and kept Monique even though her dad told her not too. Her dad has a wife and they have a son who I think is the same age as Monique or a year older. Anyway even though her dad didn't want her to begin with he was happy when she was born. He was always around but never stayed. My mum loved him but he didn't love her. Then my dad came around showing her how a woman should be treated. The funny thing is Monique never always used to be like this. She used to love my dad. But as she got older she started hating the fact that her dad never lived here but my dad did. Then when our mum got pregnant again and had a son Monique changed into the bitch you see today... Sorry I just met you today and telling you all about my deranged family..."

"It's cool. If you knew the life I've lived you would say your family are fantastic." I laughed.

"It's weird you know. I have never had anyone I can talk to or feel they could understand me. I have always thought if my own sister can treat me like this then friends would treat me worst."

"I hear you on that. Well, as long as you ain't nothing like your sister. Or you don't turn around and become all bitchy. You got you a friend for life. Because I kinda think the same like you in regards to how friends are or could be." I said causing Yasmine to smile. I really could see me in her and could see there was something she was hiding but I wouldn't press the issue.

We went to class and that flew by. During lunch we was told about the free access we have to the gym and the athletics track and other stuff I never really showed interest in. But the athletics track was my thing! I loved running. I could do anything up to 800M I loved high jump and I loved relay. Most people say if you are good at 100M chances are you couldn't run a 800M and stand a chance at winning. Over my years I have needed to run fast and for a long period of time so it's something I had no choice in doing. Now I can pick and chose how long I need to run for and how quickly I can do it.

"I love 100M and 200M" Yasmine said as we changed into running gear.

"Okay cool so let's start off doing 100m sprint, walk 300m then sprint 100m and after a while change it up to sprint 200m and then walk 200m?"

"Sounds good to me." Yasmine said.

We took off and I must say she was very fast. I underestimated her and she won that 100m sprint. That would be her last win I told myself. As we walked the rest of the way we chatted.

"So what about you? You said earlier that your life was worse than mine. Not that I'm competing but what makes you think that?"

"Well your mum loves you and ain't put you in care for starters." I said with a chuckle. Clearly Yasmine didn't find it funny.

"What? You're in care?"

"Yeah. Been in care from I was thirteen."


"Because I've always known what's wrong and what's right. But I guess as a child I shouldn't speak on it. But I did, I still do. That's why my mum didn't want me in the house. So she put me out."

"That's crazy." Yasmine said.

"You don't know the half. But yeah, I'm in care. I quite like it. I have a bond with everyone there."


"Yeah. I'm the oldest girl there so all the girls look up to me as a big sister which I like because I had younger sisters back home and I miss them a lot. The staff are really nice and they know when to give you your space and when to pry even when you don't want them to."

"Wow." Yasmine said making me laugh.

"Look. I don't want you feeling sorry for me. Or else this friendship won't work."

"Okay okay. But if you need anything let me know." Yasmine said.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. My mum gets me everything I want so you may want something but can't get it so I'll get it for you."

"That's nice but I think I'll be okay. I've been doing alright for the past three years. There's one thing you can do for me though."

"What's that?"

"Get ready to lose. 3,2,1. RUN!!" I said and we took off. This time I had no mercy I took up full speed and didn't stop till we crossed the line.

"Oh, so you're fast?!" Yasmine said and we started laughing. Just as we caught our breathe I noticed the cute guy from earlier and his friends coming over.

"Oh shit." I heard Yasmine say.


"My sister. And she don't look happy." She said looking into another direction. I looked over to where Yasmine was looking and there was Monique coming towards me tying up her hair. If it was a fight she wanted it was a fight she was going to get...

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