Chapter 25.

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This had my stupid sister written all over it. I couldn't believe it! What was her problem?

"Drop me home Tallz." I said to him.

"You sure? You don't want to come to the station?"

"Nah. I need to go home." I told him. He nodded and dropped me home.

As soon as I got home Monique was there sitting watching tv with my mum. I stormed straight over there.

"YOU BITCH!!" I said charging at her. I managed to right hook her before my dad pulled me off her. I didn't even know he was here.

"YASMINE!! What is wrong with you?!?!" My mum screamed.

"I'll tell you... I'LL TELL YOU!! This bitch!!..."

"Yasmine!! Language...!!" My dad said.

"Yeah.. You're right... Sorry. THIS WHORE!!"

"YASMINE!!" Both my parents said.

"WHAT? Why is everyone calling my name! This cow has got Chanel arrested! It's been months!! And now because why? She has got her arrested on some dumb GBH charge."

"It should be murder. I ain't done yet." She smirked.

I went for her again but my dad caught me.

"This woman is evil! She is poison! Why can't you lot see it?!" I scream.

"Yeah yeah fatty. Whatever." She said.

She said it again... Again. Knowing how I feel about being called fat.

"That's it. Choose." I said to my mum.


"Did you hear what she just said? AGAIN? You will end up with one less daughter if you don't choose. Either she goes or I'm going!"


"NO! Let me just clear something up for you. She is the reason police, parents and dumb girls used to come to our house. Hence why we had to move. Because she wanted to be this bad girl. She is the one who likes to run away and stuff causing your blood pressure to rise; furthermore it's because of her why YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!! Then she uses my illness against me! She same one who helped me through it and now wants to use it against me? No! I don't think so... She is the same one who went to Malia slept with her best friends ex got pregnant by him and then lost the baby because she couldn't keep her smart mouth shut! And now for whatever reason she decided to call the police about it now! No.. She does all of these stuff and gets away with it! This is the last straw. I won't stay here a minute longer. If you don't throw her out...I'll go stay with Vinny..."

"I.. I can't throw her out." Mum said.

"Cool... Let me call Vinny..."

"You are 16! You can't stay with your boyfriend!" My dad said.

"Yes... Yes I can and I will! I mean it! You need to choose!" I said.

I was so angry I was shaking.

"Monique... Maybe you should go and stay at your aunts for a while.. Or Corey's."

"WHAT? Mum!!" Monique said.

I smiled. Finally!

"Honestly Mon. All the problems are because of you. Maybe some time apart is needed."

"You're... You're kicking me out?"

"No... Not permanently. Just temporarily..."

"SO YOUR'E KICKING ME OUT!!" She said again.

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