Chapter 18.

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"What the fuck do you mean I can't go to the police?!" I shouted at my brother

"You heard me Niques. You can't."

"She killed my son! I was having a boy..." I started getting emotional all over again.

"How did you even know about the abortion?" Corey asked.

"I heard you telling Yasmine. What was that all about? Since when you and my sister so cool?"

"So, let me get this straight... You eavesdropped, then thought you would expose not just Chanel but ME... Because why?" I rolled my eyes at my brother.

"Why are we even talking about this? She killed my son! I gave birth too early!! And he died. He didn't even get to see me. He died as soon as he left me!!" I was hurting. They said he wasn't dead before I gave birth. But he just wouldn't breathe when he came out. He died straight away. He was so small. That bitch is going to pay.

"Listen to me, you don't know everything, that is just part of the story. There's more. But it's clear I can't trust you with anything so I can't tell you. But I'll go jail. If you call the police, they will ask her questions. Things that will open up a whole new can of worms, I'll get arrested. One... For having sex with her when she was underage at a point. Two... For something else if she speaks on it. Do you want me going to jail Monique?" He asked.

"Of course not..."

"Well, then."

"It's not fair... Look at me. My face is fucked, I have bruises all over my body and I've lost my son."

"I know and I am really sorry for your loss..." He stopped as if he was thinking. "...You know what, do what you want. It was selfish of me to put that on you. If you want to call the police and get her arrested then go on." I looked at my brother.

"You mean it?"


"What about you?"

"Well, if she talks she talks. I'll have to do my time."

"No... You are the only one that I feel understands me. I can't lose my brother." I sighed. This bitch was going to get away with this. I knew she was too much for me. I hated to admit it but she was.

I needed to sort myself out. I needed to heal and I needed to be able to get on with life knowing my son was gone. That was going to be the hardest thing. But I would have to.

"I won't go to the police, if you promise me one thing..."

"What's that?"

"Stop talking to her, stop trying to get her back. Have nothing more to do with her." I saw the sadness in his eyes when I told him. I laughed.

"Why you laughing?"

"She killed your nephew. And the one thing I ask you look as if you can't do it."


"You really love her don't you?"

"It's complicated."

"Get out."

"Cmon sis."

"I said get out."

As Corey left I called to him.

"I mean it. So whilst I'm in here, let her know she got away with another murder. But if I see you and her talking... Then you both can go jail for all I care."

"Another murder?"

"She killed your child didn't she? Makes her a serial baby kill..." I didn't get to finish what I wanted before Corey was right up in my face.

"Shut the fuck up on what you don't know!! You see what your problem is you run your mouth and it's always me who has to clean up your mess! So go ahead. Call the police because if I get locked up everyone can do as they please to you! It is your fault your son is dead. If you kept your mouth shut she wouldn't have beaten you black and blue. If you had listened to me then you would still be pregnant. YOU killed your son with your fast mouth. Continue pushing me Monique...remember you are only my half sister. I don't have to see you or be around you. Dad doesn't bother with you anymore... If you continue your shit I'll do exactly the same." He said then left.

I cried my eyes out. I was losing everybody and it was my fault. I wished I had died as well. Then I wouldn't have to live this shambles they call life...

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