Chapter 56.

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Life had been so hectic these past three months.

I had been trying to finish college and get into the university of my choice - which I did! As long as I passed my exams and finished my assignments I was going to university! That alone made me the happiest girl ever.

I haven't had an easy life and there are kids out there like me who would have chose to be the typical stereotype. But honestly I am proof that children in the "system" can make something of their self.

In two weeks I turn 18.. What a roller coaster my life has been in the past two years.

My sisters still live with me and they are finally settled and have lost the attitudes they once had. Don't get me wrong they are still cheeky but they don't take everything out on the world. Matthew is also living with us and he loves it.

We all have a great relationship with my dad. He wants the girls and Matthew to come and live with him so he's making more effort than need be but as he is being watched by social services I understand why he is going above and beyond.

Yasmine is still at her mums house but she visits Tallz and Yanique daily. She wants to finish college before she moves back in and I think even though she should be with her daughter it was the best thing in order for her to pass. And just like me she got into the same university under the same conditions.

However once she is finished I'll be packing her stuff myself to make sure she gets her ass back to where it belongs - with Yanique and Tallz.

Then there's Rico... Since the day I told him to bounce he has done just that. I received some measly text messages from him here and there but it ain't nothing for me to write home about.

So today after three months I'm seeing him. My passport was at his house and I needed it. I asked him to bring it and he said he would.

"Rico is here..." Lisa told me taking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm coming." I told her as I made my way downstairs. He was standing in the hallway looking out of place.

"Hey..." I said to him.

"Hi Chanel" he said sounding even more awkward than me looked.

"Did you bring the passport?" I asked so he wouldn't have to stay any longer than he wanted to.

"Yeah.. Yeah I did. Can I talk to you first though?" He asked.

"Sure.. Come through." I said to him as I made my way into the family room."

"Look.. First of all I want to apologise for how everything went. I'll be honest... I felt once Corey came out I noticed that you two were good it made me feel some type of way. Then things got on top. I felt nothing but bad kept happening to you and even though it wasn't your fault I felt that it was too much. Like I didn't always know how to be there for you when you was down. I'm still young and don't go through near half as much stuff you have been through so sometime I did come across insensitive. Then I noticed how close you and Corey was getting and it rubbed me the wrong way. Then I had university which was a different workload to what I was used to. But in the time we've been apart I've felt bad for not being there for you like I should have. When your mum died. I should have been there and I wasn't. When you buried her I should have been there and I wasn't. And for that I am truly sorry. I've been a shit boyfriend and I hope you cam find it in your heart to forgive me."

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