Chapter 27.

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Honestly... If there was anytime I thought I would go jail it would have been two years ago. Not now. But no... Here I am in some secure unit like I'm some danger to the world.

I really wished I had remembered what I did to Monique so I could have at least enjoyed it to make up for being in here.

I can't complain though. It's just like being in foster home apart from not knowing anyone here and everyone being bad.

I have beenZ in two fights already because they thought I was some pretty girl who they could bully. So now I have my own room and I can't be around the others because they say I'm too aggressive.

The cheek! I was attacked both times! All I did was defend myself.

The only thing that has annoyed me is missing out on college. I was really hoping to finish my first year.

Mummy Lisa and Miles visit me like all the time. I'm quite lucky because I can get regular visits in this one. But if I do end up being found guilty the one they will move me to I'll only be allowed one visit a week.

Today Rico and Yasmine are coming to see me. I'm quite looking forward to it.

"Come on Thomas." Mr potato said to me.

I call him me potato because that's exactly what he looks like. He's the main guard that governs me.

I was taken into a room and there they sat; my best friend and my boyfriend. I ran and hugged them.

"Thomas." Mr Potato said. I rolled my eyes.

"How have you been?" I asked them.

"Forget us... How have you been? I keep in touch with Miles. He tells me you got into fights. And from your eye I can see he weren't lying." Rico said sounding worried.

"Oh... Bitches like to scratch... You should see their faces." I laughed. They didn't find it funny though.

"But if you aren't keeping out of trouble won't that make things worse for you?" Yasmine asked.

"I was... I AM!! They attacked me. Now whatever I do I do it alone. See.. No one else having visitors. And I have Mr potato as my very own body guard."

"Mr potato?" Yasmine chuckled.

"Don't you think he looks like him?" I chuckled back. I noticed how quiet Rico was.

"Aye, you lot don't have no drinks or snacks. Go get some." I told Yas and gave her the eyes. She knew what that meant so she left us.

"Now you can talk to me."

"I... This... It's mad. You shouldn't be here."

"Well.. I guess you can't get away with beating up someone twice."

"But still... Have you changed your solicitor? This one is not doing a good job. You should be out on bail till trial."

"No because they think I may attack Monique again. I don't know what she told them but they think I'm some animal." I said and we both laughed.

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