Chapter 19.

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It was Christmas Eve and honestly I was very happy it was the Christmas holidays. Because it had been that much easier to avoid everyone. I went to work got my work done and went home. I even got a different job role so I didn't have to work with Yasmine.

I found out Moniques baby died. And simply because I'm not a bad person and I have a big heart more than people think. I distanced myself from everyone. In all fairness I thought I was going to get arrested again but I guess she didn't tell the police.

Yasmine had tried to talk to me at work but I politely just got on with what I had to do. I ignored all the messages and calls I got from her, Tallz and Rico. Rico... I don't know why he kept contacting me. I'm not the type of girl he needs in his life.

"Come on now, if Christmas isn't something for you to smile abut I know my birthday is." My brother Miles asked. He was the only person I would talk to. I smiled.

"Finally gonna be 18... Your own adult. I can't wait for that day." I said.


"Because then I'll have my own place. My own space. You know I'm very independent." I said.

"Yeah but don't you think out of anyone... We have it harder?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ite, check it... First we get dropped because our parents don't want us. Then... We have to adjust to this lifestyle. Eventually we do, we build bonds. Have our own makeshift family. Then the older ones start leaving when they turn 18 and it's a bit sad because we grown used to them. They say they will come and check on us but they never do. Then it becomes your turn. Your turn to fly the nest. But once you do, that's it. No Mummy Lisa... No best friend and sister Chanel Nell... No being the big brother and head of the house. Because once I close my doors. That's it... I'm on my own." He said.

He had a point.

"I won't forget you Miles."

"And I won't forget you sis."

"You promise?"

"I swear... You gonna help me move anyway. Then you gonna see where I live and I'm going to give you a key. And when things get too much. My door is always open." He said.

I got up and hugged him. Miles was what my real brother Matthew should have been. I wish I could have swapped them.

"Anyway... Let's go downstairs I have a surprise for you."

"For me?"


"Like what?"

"Come and see!" Miles said. I followed and when I went downstairs I couldn't believe my eyes.

There they stood. Mummy Lisa, Yasmine, Tallz and Rico. And the family room was done up all Christmassy.

"What.. What's going on?"

"Well, I did say I had a few presents for you." Rico said.

"Seeing as you wanna disappear on us... We'll come to you." Tallz said.

"I miss my best friend." Yasmine said.

I looked at them all. They were amazing. The problem was... I wasn't.

"I'm a murderer. I'm toxic. Everything I touch gets ruined. I can't control my temper when I get really mad. I'm meant to be alone. That's why my mum gave me up. You lot should too. Save your money. Go take the stuff back. I don't deserve them nor do I deserve you guys." I said and ran up to my room.

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