Chapter 45.

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Imagine... I get up to go to the toilet and hear Vinny talking to some girl. So obviously, I'm going to want to know who.

My heart sank when I heard the girl say Vinny was in her bed whilst I was pregnant.

When? How? Why? All these thoughts going around my head. I felt sick. This guy. The father of my child. Sleeping with someone else?

I had to intervene and this bitch asked a question in order for me to do just that.

"Not at all..." I said startling them both.

"Nah.. Yas. It's not what it looks like."

"So what is it Vinny?" I asked him. I looked at the girl. Her face looked so familiar. Wait... I saw her that day when I went shopping. I'm pretty sure she used to be good friends with Monique too. As I looked at her I noticed the big fat smile on her face.

"I didn't sleep with her..."

"You didn't?"


I turned to her.

"Did you sleep with my man? Have you slept with him in the past year to two years?"

"No." She answered.

"Well, there's no need for you to be here is there?" I said and slammed the door in her face. I went to climb the stairs but before I did I turned to Vinny. "Take me home." I said and made my way upstairs.

"Babe.. Let me explain."

"No.. There's nothing to explain. Actually I have a question... When was you in her bed?"


"Answer the question Vinny!"

"The day you told me you was pregnant I..." I started laughing. I couldn't believe this!

"So.. I tell you to leave and you end up at your exes house? Is that how it works?"

"No babe!"

"So tell me then... Tell me what happened. And I want to know EVERYTHING!!"

"Ite... She lives next door. Before me and her we was always cool because our parents are really good friends! I drove home and sat in my driveway. She knocked my window and I let her in. She wanted to know what was wrong I wouldn't tell her. She said she had weed so I could come up and bill it but I said I have my own but I'll come up. I went up and all I did was smoke till I was high off my face. Next morning I wake up in her bed and she has no clothes on. I can't remember a thing so I wake her and I'm like rah what happened last night. She's all smiling acting like we did something but when she realises that I'm not interested like that she starts threatening to tell you then I realise she's lying and nothing happened. I left her house with her threatening to tell you. But Yas I swear. I never slept with her."

"You slept in her bed. You got so high you didn't even know what was going on. But the biggest thing for me is that you left and ended up in her bed. I can't forgive you for that. You know I struggle with trusting people and this is what you do? I can't. I can't be with someone I can't trust." I said with tears in my eyes.

"BUT YAS!! I never did anything!!"

"And this is the issue.. You can't see that sleeping in her bed waking up with her naked IS SOMETHING!! Look, just take me home."


"Now Vinny! You're stressing me and the baby! Just take me home."

I could see the look of defeat in his face but it was nothing against the way my heart was feeling.

How could he do that?

The drive to my house was silent. As he pulled up to mine he grabbed my thigh.

"I'm sorry Yas..."

"I'll let you know when I've given birth. Until then I want you to leave me alone..."


"Don't make this harder than what it already is Tallz." I said on purpose. I haven't called him that in so long.

"Tallz?" He repeated.

"Bye." I said as I got out the car. I waddled into my house, into my room and cried.

Some may say I'm overreacting but this is how it starts. Something like this then next minute he's got a family elsewhere. It's best I nip it in the bud from early. It's clear he doesn't want to commit to me so why force him.

I cried so much I called Chanel and she came over straight away. I just couldn't stop crying. I wasn't crying because of what he done I was crying because I had to let him go.

"Babe.. I know what he did was wrong but do you really want to throw it away? He's been blowing up my phone telling me to talk to you. If he didn't want to be with you he wouldn't be doing all of that."

"I can't trust him. Without trust there's nothing. There's no point." I said as I got up to go toilet. As soon as I stood up water was trickling down my legs.

"Erm... Yas..." She said noticing the same thing as me.

"Chan... I think my waters just broke."


Today I was finally allowed to leave the hospital with my beautiful little girl.
Yanique decided she wanted to come three weeks early but luckily everything was okay.
As I waited for my parents to come get me Vinny walked in. He had been here from the day my waters broke. Everyday. He would only leave to go shower and come back.

"You ready?"

"Yeah mum and dad will be here shortly."

"Nah.. I'm taking you."


"Yasmine... There is nothing I can do about what's happened but I can rectify the here and now. I'm not going to be a dad who visits their daughter. No. My parents lived in the same house raising me and my brother and that's exactly what is going to happen. The room downstairs is for us. I know I have some serious making up to do and I will. But I'm telling you now. I'm not having you and our daughter not living under the same roof. I've already lost you I can't lose my daughter too. Please. Just give me a chance." He pleaded.

Tears rolled down my face. I really love this man and since Yanique has been born he's been here more than before. I would feel bad taking her away from him but I just wasn't ready to forgive him.

"If I stay... There's a condition."


"You stay up in your room whilst me and Yan are downstairs. As for me and you.. You need to prove to me that this.. Us.. Is what you want."

"Okay.. As long as you guys are in the same house."

I nodded.

A few hours later and we was back at Vinnys house. We got settled in and I had a nice shower. When I got out he was laying on the bed looking very comfy.

"Okay.. Thanks. You can go now."

"Wait.. You was being serious?"

"As a heart attack." I said.

He rolled his eyes and got up.

I knew he would think I was joking. But now he knows I mean it. Let's just see how he's going to show me how much I actually mean to him...

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