Chapter 15.

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To say I was shocked to see Corey out of jail let alone in my house was an understatement! What the hell was he doing here?

Once he explained it still didn't make any sense how he got out of jail but I really wasn't trying to ask too many questions.

What I didn't understand was why he was here. I'm sure there were many places he could go. Why here?

"Hellooooo" I heard Chanel say. I completely forgot I had called her due to my mind in overdrive.

"Gurl. You would not believe who is staying at my house."



"Wait... What Corey?"

"Moniques brother... Your ex... That Corey!"

"So he's out..."

"Yeah." I heard her sigh. "What I don't get is why he is here." I told her.

"Well Monique is his sister."

"Yeah but he could stay anywhere. Why here?"

"Girl I don't know. But if he asks anything about me tell him I said not to ask you anything."

"Okay. Well I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Okay babe. Bye." She said.

The next day I got up before anyone else went for my morning run then came back and got ready for work.

I really never thought a friend could have such an impact on my life. I have always been a loner. Not because no one wanted to be my friend; I just didn't trust anyone.

Monique was my best friend at one point. I followed her around everywhere. She was who I looked up to. I copied everything she did and wanted to be just like her.

The day my brother was born she turned into someone else. Was horrible to me and would pick fights with me. It was having to defend myself off of her why I knew how to fight. I had got tired of her treating me like her victim.

I never understood the way she turned on me and always thought if my own sister could then of course friends would.

Over the years in school I witnessed friends turn on each other. Just like my sister turned on me. That made me even more certain that friends was not something I ever wanted.

But then I met Chanel. Straight away I knew she was different. She didn't want to be loud or the centre of attention like the other girls in class nor did she entertain the boys that was trying to flirt with her.

When we was made to pair up it was crazy how we was so alike but so opposite. For instance her being in care and me having a mother who will do anything for me.

It confused me how anyone wouldn't want their child. Especially someone like Chanel. She didn't seem like a problem. She handled her own. Which is a good thing.

Now we are inseparable. We work together we study together we get good grades together. She's like the sister I had wanted in Monique.

"What's wrong?" I asked her at lunch. She was just playing in her food so I knew something wasn't right.

"Nothing, just... Doesn't matter."

She always does that. I know she wants to talk but it's like I have to push her a little.

"Talk to me. What's up?"

"Oh just a lot of things. I'm not really enthusiastic around this time of the year. With it being Christmas and that. It's a family holiday." She said not taking her eyes off her food. I felt bad. Didn't know what to say or do.

"Well, are you allowed to go and stay somewhere else or do you have to stay in the home?"

"Erm well... Most people do go with family members but my mum never bothers with me. I don't even know if she remembers me honestly." She said.

"Well what about coming to mine for Christmas? Oh wait..."

"Christmas with your sister? No. I'm not trying to ruin Christmas."

"I even forgot about her. It was more Corey. I think he will still be there."

"Oh... Well yeah I defo wouldn't attend."

"What happened? It's clear you don't like him."

"Don't like him? Try hate. That still doesn't scratch the surface" she said.

"That bad?"

"I just went through a lot with him and I had honestly had enough." She said. I left it. But I know she wanted to say something but I wasn't going to force her.

Lunch was over and before you knew it the day was done. I was tired. I had a hectic week and it was catching up with me.

Sunday was always my day of rest. I would message Chanel and Tallz throughout the day but that was it.

I was really feeling Tallz - his real name was Vince but it didn't suit him. I called him Vinny and he didn't mind that.
I never even thought I would end up with him. I thought to begin with he just spoke to me because Rico and Chanel was talking but over the months that have gone by he's really showed a different side to him. A nice side to him.

Monday morning I woke up and it was after eleven. I was meant to be ready for twelve so me, Chan, Tallz and Rico could go do some Christmas shopping. I jumped up in a rush. I saw the bath had been set; I grabbed my towel and locked the door.

"Aye!! Aye man that was my bath!" I heard Corey banging the door. I ignored him and continued.

Fifteen minutes later I was out the bathroom and Corey didn't seem impressed.

"Word of advice. Never leave the bathroom unattended. Have all your stuff in there or else you lose." I said and walked off.

Just as I was about to leave I saw Corey in the hallway.

"Hey, how's Chanel?" He asked. I looked at him. His question seemed very genuine.

"She told me to tell you not to ask me anything."

"So you have spoken about me to her?"

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

"Are you giving me attitude because of what I did?" He asked. I didn't know what he did but now I was curious. I just stared at him because I didn't know what to say.

"Look..." He continued. "...I know she will never forgive me. But I loved her. I still do. So I was wondering if you could tell her I'm sorry and tell her I mean it then maybe she will come around if it's coming from you?"

"Sorry?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know it won't change anything but if I could go back in time and change what happened..."

"What happened...?" I asked him.

The car horn went off and I couldn't believe what Corey had just told me.

"I got to go." I said and jumped in the car.

"You okay?" Tallz asked me.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good." I told him and smiled. I changed the subject so he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

When we arrived to the shopping centre I saw Chanel with Rico I grabbed her and walked up in front.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do it?" I asked ignoring her question?

"Why did I do what?"

"Corey told me. Is this why you hate him? I know what happened..."

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