Chapter 40.

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3 Months Later...

"You got everything you need for the baby shower babe?" Vinny asked me.

"Erm, I think so. Chanel has been planning it all." I said to him.

"Oh okay. Well if you need money or anything let me know. I'm going to work now." He says as he kisses my head and rubs my stomach.

"Okay V.. See ya." I said as I turned over to sleep.

I don't know how long I was sleeping for but I woke up to Chanel moving around like she was stuck on fast forward.

"Chan.. Why you moving around so fast?" I asked her.

"So much to do.. Baby shower is this weekend. Do you have your dress?" She asked looking through her notepad.

"No.. You said we needed to go shopping for that."

"I did? Okay... We can go today. I'm busy for the rest of the week. Oh hold on. Mummy Lisa is calling. Hello? .. She what? .. What's wrong with this girl? .. I'll deal with her later .. Okay, I'm busy I got to go..." She said and hung up.

"Chanel.. Stop!" I said feeling dizzy at all constant moving Chanel was doing.

"Huh? Stop what?" She said.

"Just sit down.. Please."

"Ugh... We have a lot to do.."

"Chanel.. SIT!!" I demanded.

She sat down.

"Why are you telling me to sit and we have so much to do?" She frowned.

"Chanel are you okay?" I asked sincerely.

"Huh? Of course I am.. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"You.. You're different." I told her.

"Different how? I'm putting on weight init? My face feels a bit rounder. I asked Rico he said no. Damn liar." She snapped.

"No! Since.. Since.. You're..." She finished my sentence for me.

"Since my sister was killed... You can say it you know." She said bluntly.

"Yeah.. Since then.. You haven't been the same..."

"Yeah of course I haven't. Would you be? It's not just that my sister was killed you know; I'm now mother to my sisters. And I'm failing. Shannon is in her last year of school and rebelling due to Megan dying. She's angry at Jackie, herself, me... The world. Just now Lisa called me to tell me she bunked school. It's the last week before the Christmas holidays and she's acting up. So no.. I'm not the same; yes I'm different. But life still goes on. And so must, we need to go and look about your dress..." she said as she changed the subject.

I left the topic for now and just decided to let Chanel busy herself with my baby shower.

We went out shopping for my dress. the shopping center was busy as it was the week before Christmas. We decided to also do some shopping for any last minute Christmas presents that we didn't get.

A few hours later and we were done and hungry so we went to grab something to eat. Whilst eating I could feel someones eyes on me. As I looked up I saw a familiar face; I wasn't sure where I knew her from but her face was very familiar. Or was it? I noticed she was staring at my bump and as I get that a lot I thought maybe I didn't recognize her and just that she looked like someone else.

"You ready?" Chanel asked me.

"Yep. I'm tired. Let's go." I said to her.


Today was the day of my baby shower and all I had to do was be there.

Between Monique and Chanel they had it all under control. Yes, they was being civil and I couldn't have been happier.

My baby shower was nothing big as I never had any friends. So the first few hours would just be; Me, my mum, my sister, Chanel, Lisa and female members from Vinny's family. Then later the males would be able to attend.

I must admit I had a really good baby shower. Chanel did a great job and everyone enjoyed themself. When the guys came Vinny stuck to me the whole time. It was actually quite cute.

My family and his family got on and we had received a lot of gifts for our daughter. Yes. I was having a little girl. I couldn't wait for her to arrive.

Even though I was scared about being a mum at 17 I had so much support around me which eased my anxiety. Life wasn't how I had planned it to be; however I was happy.

"Did you enjoy today?" Vinny asked me as we cuddled.

"Yep. I did."

"Good. I still can't believe we got so much stuff for her." He said.

"I know right. I was shocked myself."

"You know I've been thinking about when she's born..."

"Yeah... What about it?" I yawned.

"I want to be with you both everyday. We should look about looking for a place of our own." He suggested.

"Let's... Let's talk about this tomorrow...I'm tired..." I said before drifting off to sleep...

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