Chapter 23.

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I had tried being "okay" but it hurt knowing that I would never see my son. I wasn't speaking to anyone. My mum tried to talk to me but I just didn't want to speak.

I just stayed in my room watching tv. I was watching a talk show about real life tragedies. One woman's story was about her losing everyone. She said she went jail but she was innocent. When she got out she was angry that her family didn't fight her case. For over twenty years she didn't talk to them. It wasn't until she got a phone call. Apparently she was the next of kin for her father. He had died. She wondered how after all these years they contacted her. Turns out he was the last one left to live. Others had been killed or died from natural causes. It was then she felt bad. She could have reached out to them or communicated when they tried contacting her but she never. Now they all died and she never got to make it right.

I honestly felt like I was meant to see this show.
I went to the kitchen where my mum was on the phone I went and hugged her.

"Susan, I'm going to call you back." She said. "Everything okay?" She asked me.

"I'm hurting and at times I may just want to be alone. But life is way too short. Anything can happen and I wouldn't have been able to tell you how much I love you." I said to my mum.

"I love you too." Mum said and we hugged. "So.. You agree life is too short.. So can you do me a favour?" Mum asked

"What's that?"

"Go and talk to your sister..."


"No.. Hear me out. She's your sister. For years you two haven't spoken and all you do is argue. It needs to stop. I can't and won't take sides. You are older. Please. Just reach out to her." Mum said.

I sighed.

"Okay." I said and went up to her room.

Me and Yasmine not talking was my fault and I know this. So I guess me making things right is the right thing to do. I knocked her door.

"Come!" She said. I opened the door and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm coming to wave the white flag... No drama..." I told her.

She looked at me for a second then gestured for me to sit down.

"So.. Life is way too short. I lost my son before I even got to have him. I don't want to lose anyone and we aren't on good terms. So, I want to tell you I'm so sorry for turning on you when Yohan was born. I felt like now Yohan was here there was no need for me. I was the one with the different dad. I'm sorry for the fights and the way I treated you. It was mean and you did not deserve it." I told her sincerely.

"I never thought I would hear you say that." She said and smiled. We hugged. This felt good.

"So what you doing?" I asked.

"Just some group work. Will need to send it to Chanel when I'm done." She said and I rolled my eyes at the sound of her name.

"You know if we are good now you can't be friends with her." I told my sister.


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