Chapter 52.

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Yanique just wouldn't stop crying. It was doing my head in.

"What the...? Yasmine?! Why are you not picking her up?" Vinny asked as he went over to Yanique and picked her up.

I didn't answer him. He walked off and went upstairs. I was happy for the peace and quiet. Not that it lasted. Vinny came back downstairs and grabbed me.

"What the FUCK is your problem?" He asked as he shook me.

"Get off me!" I screamed

"No! I thought maybe just MAYBE you were having a bad day. But mum just let me know it's not the first time you have done this!! What the fuck Yasmine?!"

"I said get off!" I said pulling away. He let go on purpose just as I pulled away so I could fall he then grabbed me again and pinned me up against the wall.

"Why are you neglecting Yanique?" He asked.

I turned my head. He punched the wall so close to my face I jumped.

"Vinny... Get offfff!!" I said as I tried worming my way out of his grip.

"No! What is your problem?"

"I can't be a mum!" I snapped.

He let go of me.


"I can't do it... I just can't. I don't feel like I have a connection."

"What are you talking about? How can you say that?"

"Because it's true. I can't take the crying. I can't deal with the responsibility. I just... I wish she wasn't born..." I said not realising what I actually said.





"Yes. You don't want to be a mum to Yanique and you don't want me... So you don't need to be here. Leave."

"I.. I can't."


"Vincent!" His mum said.

I was so glad she came when she did.

"Mum.. Go upstairs."

"No. YOU go upstairs. The only person you can tell what to do is Yanique. You are my son... You go upstairs. Your daughter needs you."

He looked as if he wanted to argue but his mum wasn't backing down. Eventually he left.

"Yasmine, what's going on?"

"I don't know mum, I just can't be a mum."

"But you are. That little girl upstairs IS your daughter. So you may say you can't be a mother to her but you are her mother. Being a mother is hard. Hard but it's a blessing. There are people out there who want nothing more than to be a mother but can't. I get you though. I didn't want Vincent...

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