Chapter 21.

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Finally I was able to go back home. Things were too tense at my sisters.
Monique wasn't talking to anyone.
Her mum and Yasmine wasn't talking.
Yasmine and Monique wasn't talking.
Yasmine wasn't talking to me.
The tension could be cut with a knife.

I knocked the door to my house hoping my mum would answer. But no, it was my dad. I just walked past him.

"You have no manners boy?" He says to me.

"Whatever man. Where's mum?" I ask.

"In her room moping about you. Go up there and tell her your back so she can get back to work. The bills ain't gonna pay them self." He said. I shook my head and went up to my mums room.

She was in bed watching day time tv shows. This was not my mum.

"I've said it before I'm going to say it again. You ain't getting none. Now Go away David." She said not even turning to see who opened the door.

"I wouldn't want none even if you paid me." I said.

She turned around and screamed. She jumped out of bed and jumped on me.

"Oh my god! My baby!" She said and cried.

"Mum. Come on now." I said to her.

"I've missed you so much. It's been hell."

"Why you ain't been going work mum?" I asked her. She looked at me.

"I couldn't. I just... I'm tired son. I have had enough. Even before you went inside. I have felt this way."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to go.." She whispered.

"Go? Go where?"

"Leave your father." She said. I looked at her and knew she meant it.

"Mum, come let's sit down." I told her. "What's really going on?"

"Honestly? I never forgave your father for having Monique. But I couldn't and wouldn't blame her. That's why I was more than happy to have her around. But it didn't change the fact your father broke his vows. Do you know me and Moniques mum was good friends?"


"Best friends in fact. She was my maid of honour at my wedding."


"Yep. So it's not just that he cheated and had a child he did it with my best friend. I cut them both off. But David, he wouldn't leave me alone. He begged and said he will show me that he can change. And he did. But all this time I never really forgave him. I tried to but I couldn't. Nowadays I can't even sleep with him..."


"Not like that, I mean in the same bed."


"But yeah that too... He's just not what I want in a husband. This is why I was waiting for you."


"Yes... Son... I have a house. One for me and you. Your father THINKS I haven't been working. But I have been working from home."

"Mum... You want to leave him?"

"Yes. He does nothing for me, for you, or even Monique! He's useless. This area has done nothing but caused problems. Let's start again. Get you on the straight and narrow. Get you a girlfriend, a job and to make sure you don't end up like your father."

"How are you going to leave dad? If you have always felt like this and never did it before what's changed?"

"Your daddy ain't as active. All he does is sit downstairs. I'll tell him I'm going back to work and one day I just won't come back. You don't like him anyway. So why would you wanna stay ?"

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