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A year later...


What a year it has been! Where do I begin?

Okay so Tallz and Yasmine are still together, happier than ever. They are going to move into their own place soon. My God daughter is getting big. She's one now and has such a character! I love her dearly. Tallz and I still have that brother sister bond, Yasmine and I... Boy oh boy, I love this girl. She is literally the sister I never had. My best friend. My everything. We've both finished our first year with university happy and is looking forward to second year. But for now enjoying the holidays.

Miles and Monique had a beautiful baby boy. Unfortunately Monique's pregnancy was a hard one from about five/six months. She was constantly ill and had high blood pressure. But we was all there supporting her. They both decided they wanted me as a God mother and I was truly overwhelmed. Me and Monique have quite a good bond and despite everything I respected her and had love for her. Can you believe it?! What can I say, I have matured. We all have. Miles is about to open a youth club with Corey and it's going to be in Kites. It's also going to be a place where kids can have mentors too - which is where I come in. Miles is super excited about being a father. He spoils Marlon so much, even Monique has a go at him, but Miles ignores her anyway. These two are also engaged and I sincerely cannot wait until they tie the knot!

Mummy Lisa manages to get another two buildings in order to have two more foster homes. She still sees all of us because despite none of us living with her no more we are all very grateful for what she's done for us.

Yep, that's right. My sisters and Matthew no longer live with Lisa. They all live with my dad. It was for the best. The girls are on track. Dad has all of them doing counselling sessions - Matthew too. Every Sunday I go there and me and dad will cook for us all. On that Sunday we also go and visit mum and Megan's graves and make sure it's kept nice.

So, remember Amber was pregnant? Turns out she was pregnant for G - the one who wanted Corey to kill someone for him. Turns out that someone was Amber! G's wife embarrassed them one day and everyone knows. Now G is living up in Ambers mums house playing daddy. Word has it he also has Herpes.

Rico and I never got back together, but we did get back a good friendship. We are both God parents to Yanique and our best friends date each other. So we will be around each other. It's inevitable. I have a lot of love for him and respect him for coming to me. I just feel that being friends is what's for the best.

Corey and I are also best friends. But he's also my man. I guess in a way he's always had my heart. About a month later after he told me how he felt we started taking it to the next step. I was scared but it felt so right. He then made the suggestion for us to live together. Six months ago when my daddy bought the property for me, Corey moved in and honestly... I could not have been happier. I do love him and we have been through hell and back but if there is anyone who has my back I know now that it's him. He makes me so happy. We don't argue and I couldn't see my life without him. Crazy... I know! But I wouldn't want it any other way. Least of all now because I am pregnant. Yep, that's right. Got a little girl on the way, I'm only four months but due to some early complications when they had to run tests and check the baby they told me they know the sex of the baby and that I can be told if I want. Of course I said yes! Now everything is fine I couldn't be happier. My life is great, the people in my life are even better. After all as long as I'm happy and everyone else around me is then Nothing Else Matters.


I just want to thank all of you that read my stuff. It's because of you guys why I write so much.
Now, with this being said I have decided (don't cuss me) to take a break from writing.
REASON BEING I have quite a few stories started but none near finished. So I want to build up a decent amount before publishing them to you. That way it's easier for me and you don't have to wait.
Hope you guys understand. 😊

Until we meet again lol.

Remember, if you haven't read any of my other stories they are called:
• Confessions @ The 1'oclock Club
• Don't Call Me Crazy

T.C.Johnson. 💋

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