Never Forget.

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Lola's POV

I stared lovingly at the girl beside me as her eyelids threatened to close.

"I'm not ready yet, baby. Wait for a few minutes okay? Hold on for me, for us," I said as she lay, weak and frail.

Jade couldn't even speak, she just nodded and snuggled into my side. Jess and Lily were by our side along with Sophia, Sophie and Maria.

Maria was still so young, barely 20 whilst Sophie was 29 yet here they were seeing their older sister holding barely onto her life. We only had a few minutes until it happened, I just knew. Jade mumbled something into my shoulder and pointed at her sisters while saying it.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked and she pushed herself to my ear. Jade whispered a hoarse sentence and leaned back into me just as she finished saying it. I smiled at her and repeated the sentence to her dear sisters.

"My dearests, take your time. I'll see you on the other side."

Maria started to sob into Sophie's shoulder while Sophie was nodding frantically."We promise."

I sat up to talk to Sophia and she shook her head quickly, like her head would fall off.

"No I can't lose both of you, please hold on after they turn it off, please don't let this be the end of the story that we wrote at the beginning of our friendship," Sophia whispered and choked.

I smiled sadly at her and took her hand in mine as tears rolled down her cheeks and onto my arm.

"You finish the story for us."

I leaned back and stroked Jade's hair one last time.

"I'm ready, sugar."

She nodded and let her eyes close. I followed suit, a breath escaping my lips as I smiled.

And that is the end, my beautiful readers. Thank you so much for putting up with this emotional roller-coaster of a story, I honestly really appreciate it. Thank you from me to all of you wonderful people out there.-Xx

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