The Accident

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Lola's POV

So about a few days after we visited the graves,Jade and I decided to meet up at our favorite coffee shop in the middle of town when all of a sudden,the pain came back to me.

I realized how recent her death actually was,how much I felt empty without her presence and how fucking much I missed her.

So after the day that we visited the graves,I decided that a bit of alone time was in order.My dad understood and he told Liberty what was going on.The only light in my life during those 4 days in my bedroom alone and crying was the fact that Jade kept calling and texting.However,it nearly killed me when the thought hit me that she could need me.

I sighed for what seemed like the billionth time that evening and decided that since it was the last day of my 'recovering' for a while,I could at least answer her voicemails.

"Babe?I'm at the coffee shop where are you?Be on your way please,its getting kinda cold.Love you."

"Lola?Honestly when can we meet?I'm literally dying without you here.I'll meet up with Theo and ask if he knows where you are.Love you."

"Baby?I'm getting really worried now.It's been two days?Where are you?I'm coming over to your house,I love you."

"Hey this is Sophia.Lola,we need you here now.We're at the local hospital and we'll explain everything later.We as in Theo and I.Please try and come quickly.Thanks."

My face fell and I looked at the time that the voicemail was sent.


That was about the same time that Jade sent me that voicemail about coming over.

Oh fuck please no.

I ran out the bedroom door and sprinted downstairs to see my dad's shocked face.

"I need to borrow the keys.Please."

He nodded and moved out of my way as I wiped a few stray tears from my face.

I unlocked the car and instantly sped off to the local hospital where Sophia said she and Theo were.

On the way there,all I could think about was the possibilities that could've occurred right then.Could she be dying? Could she be in ICU? Could she be on the brink of death but just tripped?

I wiped away more tears and finally reached my destination after what seemed like forever.

I ran all the way to the reception,then raced to the front desk as soon as my eyes laid on it.

"Jade Pegg.Need to know where she is.Now."I said in between breaths.

The lady began typing at a few keys then looked up at me sympathetically.

"She's in room 365,third floor and second on your right."

"Thank you so much."I breathed out then ran for the elevator.

After a short wait in the elevator,I once again sprinted to the said room and my face paled over when I saw the sight in front of me.

My Jade.In a hospital bed.With loads of machines hooked up to her.

Sophia was sitting on a small sofa with Theo holding a cup of coffee but she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw me.

"Oh my god,Lola."She simply said and walked over to me,holding me in her small arms.

I was breathing heavily and still worried about Jade,who was the only concern of mine at the moment.

I looked at the love of my life in the weakest state I had seen her in since I fell in love with her.

Her red hair was sticking up and messy,her face was pale as a sheet and her eyes were sunken in,with dark circles underneath them.I walked over to her briskly and held her face,as if that was the last time I would see her.

"It was a car accident."Theo finally said after a long silence.

My head snapped around and looked at him,as if asking for more information.

"She looked like she was en-route to your house.Think it was some high dude that crashed into her.The doctors say she will live,but don't know when she'll wake up.

I nodded and looked back at Jade,holding her hand and putting it up to my face,running my thumb over the bandaged skin.

All of a sudden,I whimpered and my bottom lip began shaking.I felt Sophia and Theo put their arms around me and I fell into their comforting embrace.

I cried for what seemed like hours in their arms but I was just glad that they were there for me.Even when I locked myself away from them for 4 days,they still appreciated me as their friend.They still cared for me.

They were all I had at the moment apart from Dad and Liberty.

**********about two weeks later***

So now,visiting Jade at the hospital has become a daily thing for me.

The university gave me two more weeks to stay here until I needed to go back,with or without Jade.I missed her so much,and it sucked to think that she might not be coming to college with me for now.

The doctors were still uncertain as to when she would wake up and I actually still was counting on this,I wasn't ready to give up on anything anytime soon.

Especially not Jade.

Everyday when I would visit her,I would talk to her as if she were able to talk back.It's always been a thing I did.Whether it was to pets or pictures of people that I missed,it just felt like yet could talk back to me and comfort me.

So a week before I had to leave,I did the same thing that I did everyday.Woke up,cried a bit,got ready and walked out the door to visit Jade.

And when I reached her room,I did the exact same thing I did whenever I saw her.I talked to her.

"So,it's been about a month since the car accident and well,I have about a week till I have to leave.So you better wake up soon,babe."I smiled as I thought of what she would say to that(Five more minutes,Lola!)

I wiped a tear away and continued.

"Plus,Theo's not doing too good.He keeps saying that you could've meant for his to happen but I think he's just shocked.You would never do this to yourself."

"The doctors are trying to figure out if anything will happen when you do wake up and they've got one thing for certain.They say you might have a mild case of amnesia when you regain consciousness.Of course,I've prepared myself and stuff but I still can't believe that you may not remember me when you wake up.Just please,wake up so I can hear your voice again,for me?"I finished and kissed her forehead.

And in that moment,I thought I was dreaming,but I felt a squeeze in my hand.

I stopped and turned to Jade,whose head was turning slowly from the side.She opened her eyes,and smiled softly when she saw my expression.Then it turned to a look of confusion.

"I'm sorry.Who are you?"

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