I'm Sorry For This

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Jade's POV

Lola and I decided to go for a walk somewhere,leaving Lily on her own for the first time since she came here.

I felt happy for her.After all,I know exactly what it's like to want to run away.I nearly ran away from my home in England,the only thing stopping me being the thought of my grandad seeing me at the time and how ashamed he would be of me.

The only information that she gave the adoption centre was her first name and the reason why she was there.Lily refused to give them anything that could lead back to her past home.That was quite smart,I must admit.

We were walking when all of a sudden,a cough interrupted our casual walking.

We turned to see Sophia surprisingly without Theo."How you guys doing?"

"Oh, hey! We're alright I guess, we left Lily at home and she just texted us to say that Jess may stay over tonight."Lola replied with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, she told me about that over the phone a couple of minutes ago."Sophia finished and walked up to us."Do you know where Theo is?"

Lola and I exchanged glances and shrugged.

"Last we saw him was at your house two weeks ago.He's still on that business trip to Japan, right?" I questioned, an eyebrow cocking up.

Sophia nodded and sighed with a tired look in her eyes."I miss him, he was supposed to only be there for a week."

Confusion flashed across Lola's face."Has he called you or something?"

Sophia thought for a moment then shook her head."No, I always didn't want to disturb him and the thought never crossed my mind."

Lola and I gave each other worried looks and I immediately got my phone out.I tried calling his number but when the person picked up, it wasn't Theo but a panicked Japanese voice.

I tried to calm them down then made a mental note to thank my mum for teaching me Japanese after school everyday when I was younger.(A/N:bc plot conveniences are helpful)

I asked them where they were and they said they were somewhere in a massive earthquake.I then asked them how they got Theo's phone with them.They replied that Theo was right beside them.

(Pretend this bit is in japanese)

"Can you get him on the phone?"

"I-I'm sorry but he's unconscious.."

"Okay calm down, bring the both of you under a table or something, focus on waiting and trying to wake him up.Stay on the line."

(English now)

I turned back to Lola and Sophia, explaining the situation carefully and slowly.Sophia suddenly broke down when I mentioned he was unconscious.Lola engulfed her small and shaking frame in a hug that Sophia gladly returned.

I felt so helpless.Japanese earthquakes are deadly and not a lot of people survive them.Theo might just make it.Might just.

I put the phone to my ear and calmed the woman down until I could hear police sirens on the other end.The lady thanked me and sent me her apologies after that, hanging up.

I ran a hand through my hair and looked back to Lola and Sophia who were walking towards a bench.Sophia was muttering things like, "I knew something was up" and "Oh my god, I should have called him"

Lola was focused on calming her down, after all, they were best friends before I even moved here.I hugged Sophia tightly, not knowing what else to do then something vibrated in my pocket.

I let her go reluctantly and picked up the phone.A calm Japanese voice filled my ears.Yet the person sounded... sympathetic?

(Japanese again)

"Hello, is this the person who called Mr Theo Nagra today from Pennsylvania?"

"Yeah, why is he okay? I heard he was in an earthquake a few minutes ago, where is he now?"

"Well, miss, I'm terribly sorry for your loss but Mr Nagra is dead."

IrresistableTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon