Fragments (END)

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Jade's POV

I started to tear up as she screamed at me all for no reason. Well, I thought it was no reason. Lily has just died. In a car accident. That I could have avoided.

Lola started to cry as well. I could tell she was devastated, who wouldn't be? I couldn't make out what she was saying, I was thinking about why I was so nonchalant about the situation. Everything was leaving me, everything I loved.

"That's it. I'm leaving. You don't fucking care, do you?! That was our only pride and joy, now she's gone! Our one chance at being a loving, amazing family and you do what?! You stand there and-"

I cut her off by trying to kiss her but she pushed me off.

"Keep my things, I don't want to own anything to remind me of you," she said bitterly and choked a little bit at the end.

Lola turned on her heel and grabbed her handbag and her keys, our keys.

She stopped at the door and softly sang from one of my favorite songs,"I don't love you like I did yesterday."

Third Person POV

She was humming 'I Don't Love You' and crying on her bed. Her mother was standing at the door with a man whom had glasses on and a grey suit.

"I'm worried about her. These days just get worse as they pass by, Doctor."

"It's okay, she just needs to realize that none of it is real. Those fragments of her imagination aren't real, and they never will be."

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