Another Time Skip? yayyyy

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*about a year later*

Lola's POV

Most of our classes were together,under request from her mom,of course.But a few classes were ones where we were separated for a bit.Such as English and Maths.

In these classes,were main opportunities for us to meet new people and all that jazz.To be honest,we were quite successful and Jade had met a boy called James,while I happened to meet a boy called Charlie.

Both boys were familiar with each other and we all got along well.Well,Jade was quite jealous of Charlie and I being in the same class but she's getting used to it.

At the moment,I was in the campus library with Jade as she wanted to catch up on Mandarin and French as she had been failing those lately.

"How does a half-Asian person fail Chinese?!"She whisper-shouted and I giggled.

"Dunno,guess it's cause you haven't been to Singapore in ages."I replied smugly.

As if on cue,Jades phone buzzed and a notification from Whatsapp from one of her Singaporean friends blinked onto the screen.

She sighed and tucked her phone away.I was looking out of the window,absentmindedly looking at the night sky.

Jade snapped her head up to look at me and smiled.She tucked a bit of stray hair behind her ear and shut her books,drawing my attention back to her.

Jade gathered her things and held them to her chest,opening a palm to me and I gladly took it with a smile.

I grabbed my book bag which weirdly had no studying books in it,just my pencil case and a huge notebook full of drawings.

Jade and I walked along the
pathway quietly as it was quite late and we didn't want to wake any other fellow students.

She gestured to my bag and I sighed,opening it and letting her put her books in it.Jade grinned cheekily up at me and I simply smiled back,noticing an excited glint in her eyes.

I tilted my head but shrugged it off as Jade had looked away and started to play with the rips on her skinny jeans.

She noticed that I was looking at her hands and she cupped one on my cheek,rubbing her thumb over my lips slightly.Jade then kissed me softly and sweetly,which we hadn't done in ages with all the studying and cancer stuff.

I kissed back and held her fragile waist with my hands.Both our bracelets glimmered in the moonlight in unison,as if they were having a romantic moment as well.Jade had bought us these when she went to France on a school trip in high school.

I wasn't able to go for some reason but she told me how much she missed me when she got back and that was honestly enough to make me happy.

Jade suddenly broke into a sprint when our block came into view.

"Race you!"She smiled and ran more to the block where we stayed.

I shook my head and laughed a bit,trying to catch up with my girlfriend.When Jade got there,I gave up and walked the way up those familiar stairs.

When I reached our dorm,the door was unlocked and to my surprise when I opened it,a trail of rose petals lead the way to our bedroom.Lavender scented candles lit the way as the smell relaxed me and I sighed contentedly.

I opened our room door to find Jade sitting on our bed in her pajamas,surrounded by rose petals on the floor and more candles on the shelves.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"You didn't have to do this babe."I started but was shushed by Jade.

"I wanted to,ok?"She replied with a grin.

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