The Ballad Of Jade And Lola

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--------more time skips to a few months later-----

Third Person POV

Jade had been recuperating quickly which was quite surprising since she took such a blow to the head.She was slowly remembering things,like high school and the first day and all the memories with Lola cuddled up watching Netflix(and maybe chilling a bit).

At the moment,she and Lola were in their dorm bedroom.Jade was looking at the file she had written all her guitar things in.She was learning new chords everyday and was beginning to get better each day.

Lola,of course,was the most proud of her.

Not that Jade's parents didn't care,they didn't know how severe the car accident was and that she could have fallen into an unawake-able coma.l

Of course only Lola and the doctors knew that.

A few hours later,Lola and Jade were on their sofa after watching some 'Hetalia' their favorite anime.

"Babe?"Jade's raspy voice filled the silence in the room.

"Yeah?"Lola replied,looking down at her girlfriend.

"How many years till we get out of here?"

Lola sighed,contemplating the question.

"I don't know,a couple of months I guess?"She finally said,satisfied at her own answer.

"Wow."Was all Jade could say,not believing that it had passed by so quickly.

"I know,baby,I know."

Another comfortable silence.

Then Lola started singing a very familiar tune.

She paints her fingers with a close precision.

Jade smiled,singing the next line.

He starts to notice empty bottles of gin.

Lola stood up and picked up her phone,going to music and playing the appropriate song.She held her hand out to Jade and giggled.

"Can I have this dance,milady?"Lola said in a posh voice.

Jade smiled and stood up,curtseying as she did so.

"Why yes,kind ma'am."She mocked in that posh voice.

They stood together and moved their feet in synchronization to the beat of the bass drum in the song.

Jade smirked but gasped when Lola twirled her around and caught her flawlessly.

"I've been practicing ever since that day I asked you to go to prom with me."Lola breathed out,looking into Jade's hazel orbs.

"I see."Jade smiled and wrapped her arms around Lola's neck,pulling her in for a kiss.Lola too this as a sign to go ahead,and wrapped her arms around Jade's waist.

And at that moment,everything was perfect.

No one could tell them anything different,because that was pretty much bullshit according to the two girls making out in each other's arms in their temporary living room.

And time could stay like that for all they cared at that moment.

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