In Which Some New Characters Will Be Introduced

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Lola's POV

Me and Jade were at Sophia and Theo's house,with their adopted daughter sitting quietly at the top of the stairs.She looked almost like Jade,except more young and emo-looking.

Her name was Jess, the name was changed on her behalf as her former parents were really sophisticated and rich.Jess hated the name she was given by her posh parents,so Theo and Sophia gave her an advantage by changing it.

Today,Jade and I would go to the adoption center and collect our new daughter.We read the official papers about her and we were quite excited if I'm honest.Her name was Lily,and she was really laid back and funny.

Jess wanted to come with us,mostly her parents as she didn't have many friends.Theo mentioned that she was quite lonely being homeschooled so maybe meeting Lily would be a start.

The time came and Jess walked down the stairs.She was wearing a denim jacket and a 'Fall Out Boy' shirt plus some ripped jeans and black combat boots.Just like Jade.

We got into our car and Jade turned on the radio.Some overplayed pop shit came on and Jess immediately frowned at the music.Jade laughed a bit and put on some 'My Chemical Romance' making Jess grin and sing along to the song.

A few more minutes and we reached the centre.Jess was in a good mood now,somewhat excited to see the girl.

We walked in,me and Jade's hands intertwined.We walked to the front desk and Jess looked around,hoping to see the blonde girl.

The lady at the desk smiled,recognizing me and Jade from countless meetings here.

The lady calmly walked into a room and called Lily's name.Lily came running out of the room and hugged the lady once before coming to meet us.

"Holy shit..."I heard Jess say under breath.

I giggled a bit and Jess's jaw dropped at the sight of me and Jade's new daughter.Lily had her long blonde hair slightly wavy,with two clips going in a cross at the side.She was wearing a blue dress with a red checkered shirt and ripped tights.Not to forget the bizarre patterned boots she had on.

Lily had some of her things in a galaxy patterned bag,and she was actually really tall. She noticed Jess and grinned widely,blushing.

"Hi!"Lily said cheerfully.

"Oh..hey!"Jess replied,Lily's greeting snapping her out of her daze.

The lady told us to sign some things but all I could notice was that Jess and Lily were in a strangely deep conversation about bands and anime.

"Oooo,Fall Out Boy?"
"Yeah,do you like the Holy Emo Trinity?"
"I'm indifferent about My Chemical Romance,but I LOVE Brendon's voice."

I giggled and looked at Jade who just smiled and put her arm around me.

-time skip to when they reach Theo and Sophia's-

Jess's POV

I pouted in disappointment as Jade and Lola's car pulled into my parents' driveway.

"Awwww I don't want you to leave."Lily said suddenly which made my eyes light up.

Dad and Mom knew I was bisexual and they were cool with it which I was thankful for. Okay,so I may have had the slightest crush on Lily but can you blame me? She was so irresistable.(A/N:Roll credits!)

And if she didn't want me to leave,that must mean she likes me, right?

Jade and Lola laughed a bit then brought us inside to my house.

"Can I show her my room?"I said excitedly to which all the adults nodded to.

I held her hand an we ran up the stairs into my room.When I felt her hand squeeze against mine,I felt an electric-like feeling jolt through my arm.What was this feeling? Well,whatever it was,I didn't want it to stop.

I stopped when we reached my room and she gasped at the sight.I had some 'Panic! At The Disco','Fall Out Boy','Green Day' and 'All Time Low' posters around the walls,taking up most of the wall space I had.My walls were black and I had a large collection of movies and CDs in a pile next to my desk.A small TV was in the corner of the room and I had countless drawing pads underneath the desk.

"Holy crap..."Lily breathed out and I liked over,seeing her smile made me feel warm and fuzzy inside for some reason.

"It's not that big,but it's cosy."I grinned and flopped on my double bed.

Lily yawned and put her bag down,lying next to me.I blushed and looked over at her.

She looked so at peace,her blonde hair falling perfectly and her brown eyes gazing into the wall,as if it were the night sky.Out of reflex,I grabbed her hand and smiled at her.She blushed,but grinned and intertwined her fingers with mine.

"Soooo,what's your story?"Lily said suddenly.

I snapped back to reality and remembered a couple of months ago.

"Well,my mum and dad were really rich and shit,so I was really spoiled along with my two other sisters.They were really religious people but I never really followed their rules.The day I told them I was bisexual was when it all tumbled down.They screamed at me and I couldn't take it anymore,so I grabbed my shit and left that house.I stumbled across the adoption centre and yeah.That's pretty much it.How about you?"

Lily seemed a bit shocked then came to her senses.

"I suppose it didn't have anything to do with family,I was quite happy apart from my school life.I wasn't too social there,so I got bullied and one morning,I left a note for my parents on my bed,packed my things and ran away.The lady at the centre noticed me running along and asked if she could help.I was too tired to disagree so she took me in and yeah.That's it until now."She spoke softly and carefully,as if she had completely forgotten her own past.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while,acknowledging each other's presence.

A new friend,I thought as I fell asleep.

And a new crush.

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