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Jade's POV

I woke up,looking around me and yawned,slowly recounting the events that happened the evening before.I'd been dreaming that I had woken up earlier for some reason but meh.I smirked at my thoughts and looked at the floor,where my hoodie,Green Day shirt and shorts where strewn there.I looked to my side but couldn't find Lola there,she probably went downstairs to do the washing or something.

I stood up and decided to take a shower because I smelt of sweat and sex(now I get what they mean when they say they stank of sex)

I sighed,grabbing the blanket off of me and looking around the top floor for a bathroom.I think Lola heard me because she shouted,"The bathroom is the third room on your right!"

"Thanks!"I said in a sleepy voice.

I trailed off to the bathroom and spent another gazillion minutes trying to work out the shower.

"Is this thing a fucking spaceship?"I muttered to myself,but then turning my head when a particular blonde had her arms around my waist and her face in the crook of my neck.

My eyes widened as she kissed the skin on my neck,making me shiver slightly.I also then realised that she was naked as well with me.

I heard someone walking around downstairs and my body stiffened but Lola just said,"It's my mom,go with it."

I shrugged and she pulled the shower door shut,turning the hot water on and making the room fog up.

I smirked as she trailed her fingers against my body but stopped again when I heard a loud voice break through the pleasure-filled daze I was in.

"Lola where the hell are you?!"Her mom yelled.

Lola sighed."I'm showering,mom!"


She swung open the bathroom door,but not seeing us,she yelled again.

"Whose clothes are on your floor?"


"Uh,mine!I went to the music store yesterday and bought some merch!"Lola replied.

All I could see was a hazy figure shrugging and walking out the bathroom door briskly.

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