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Jade's POV

I peeked out of the door,and saw Lola talking to the doctors.I walked out,feeling a sense that everything was gonna be fine from now on.

The things that I did actually remember were horrible things.Nights of me on a bathroom floor,crying as I held a blade against my wrists.That's all I can recall apart from the blur of education that occasionally crossed my mind.

Lola noticed me and smiled,turning her gaze to me and she walked over to me.

"Hey beautiful."She mumbled against my head.I was in her arms and Lola had her chin resting against my head.

"Sup gorgeous."I replied and felt her smile.

We pulled away and she picked me up bridal style.

I blushed and stammered as I looked around at all the people staring at us.

"What a-are you doing?"I sputtered out.

"I don't know if you remember,but we basically fell in love in this position."

I blushed more and held on tighter,the memories of my first day coming back.

Lola put me down on my bed and picked up a bag,which I assumed was what I lived on during my stay here.

"I remember."I whispered and looked up at her.

Her head snapped up,then tilted her head.

"What do you mean?"

"Like,I remember that day.Vividly."

Lola nodded then smiled.

"I'm glad you remember that day."

I grinned and blushed,feeling the heat creep down to my neck.

"Same here."

She looked at the clock and led me out the small room,standing back and going into an almost artist-like position.

I was wearing what Lola had given me for this very day,a ripped band shirt(Fall Out Boy),skinny jeans,and a denim jacket with black combat boots.

Lola smiled at what she saw and gave me the bag which held my things.She walked off to sign some things and to bring back some papers for my mum and dad.

Lola came back after a while and grabbed my hand,grinning down at me and we walked out of that hospital,to the unseen future.

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